Sundry things...

Nov 21, 2011 18:40

I went out of town and lost a few days of NaNo.  I think I'm throwing in the towel on the word count thing for the month.  Right now, I need to focus on editing my crossover exchange fic and finishing a few other gift things that I want to actually be good instead of just long, and they need to be finished by early December.  Plus, Yuletide and some people's holiday wishlist gifts later in December.

I'm not too sad.  I consistently met the word count enough that I am confident, were I not writing gift stuff for people and did not have any other immediate deadlines, that I could have done it.  And next year, I will.

Fringe is amazing and I wish I didn't have to wait til January for the next ep (seriously, TWO Lincoln's guys), but c'est la vie.

In the meantime I will plan a million Peter/Olivia/Lincoln fics AND one in which Lincoln goes to Olivia's apartment when she doesn't make it to the diner in a timely fashion and finds her either unconscious or incapacitated by another migraine.  And a billion other fic ideas probably that contain some combination of Peter, Olivia, and Lincoln.

Also, Winter in Harlan is coming.  I swear.  ...I have to plan that like, this week....  >_>

In the immediate meantime, here is a meme, snagged from the amazing leupagus:

Comment with a story I've written, and I will tell you one thing I knew, learned, or wondered about while writing the story that didn't make it onto the page.  My stuff is here on AO3 or here at my master list.

love for lincoln leee!, squee: fringe, fringe, winter in harlan, nano, meme!time

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