Too many fandoms

Jun 07, 2011 19:16

Okay, so apparently plowing through The Good Wife and going to see two blockbuster films (rife with slashy/fandomy goodness) in the past month does nothing for my concentration on Justified WIPs.  *poutpout*

Also, I want to thank tumblr for contributing to the development of my ADD.  And I want to seriously thank tumblr for the exponential increase of shiny first class charles/erik gifs and general hilarity in my life.  The past week as been a riot.

Back to the Good Wife, while trolling for fic I came across a comment meme and contributed two drabbles.   Here and here, if anyone is interested.  Raise your hand if you spot a trend.  :P  I do want to say that I don't think I'll be writing long fic for the Good Wife any time soon.  It's something fun to dip my toe in, but my primary ship is Cary/Kalinda and they seem much more suited to short porny hot fics than anything with a significantly long relationship.  At least at this point anyway, and at least for me.  I've noticed much of what's going on in fic is Alicia/Kalinda and I totally support that, in theory.  However, I just can't see it for some reason, even thought I really, really want to.  Alicia is way too uptight, seriously.

I've been pestering redbrunja  to work with me on a Justified comment fic meme, and even if she's busy I'm probably gonna go ahead with it anyway at some point.  I'm not sure when I'm going to have time to monitor it for serious, but I really need some prompts in my life right now, as some WIPs are being little bitches and I can't seem to get anything done.  So... look out for that, I guess.

I also applied to a job today!

How are you, flist?

This entry was originally posted at
Comment at Dreamwidth.

first class boyfrans, tumblred, lawyer'd show, the good wife, kalinda:bamf, what do you know flist?

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