In the first installment of 100 Awesome Fics I've Read and Loved, I'll be sharing with you...
They'd Start To Think Of You As A Biter (5921 words) by
EngageProtocolChapters: 1/1
JustifiedRating: Mature
Warning: Author Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Boyd Crowder/Raylan Givens, Ava Crowder/Raylan Givens, Raylan Givens/Tim Gutterson, RaylanGivens/Winona Hawkins
Characters: Art Mullen, David Vasquez, Raylan Givens, Boyd Crowder, Ava Crowder, Winona Hawkins
Summary: Raylan Givens is a US Marshal, but he hasn't always been.
Okay, so I know that my name is on this fic, HOWEVER, I really only wrote under 200 words of this fic (points for anyone who can guess which part it was!), ONLY because EngageProtocol was kind enough to let me. So, I feel that it is well within my rights to rec this fic, and rec it I will! I will rec it like hell, because this fic is THE SHIT.
I was also lucky enough to get in on the ground floor of this absolutely lovely and soul-crushing AU. EngageProtocol asked me to beta in a message off tumblr and I jumped at the chance as soon as she said," dystopian reworking of the first season." I kid you not, that's what this is. It's AMAZING.
I was hooked on this fic from the very first scenes, especially from the astoundingly subtle introduction to just how much darker of a world our beloved characters are living in. To prove to you that this is the case, here is the chat transcript from a conversation I had with my friend about it:
me: this fic is like a vaguely dystopian reworking of the first season of justified
my friend: oooo
me: it sort of rewrites raylans history and then let's his thoughts about what happens in the first season play out a little differently
and there's a lot of really evocative imagery
it's ridiculous
my friend: :D
me: like, here is where it tells you:
“I had a crush on you from the time I was twelve years old.” Ava says, kissing him softly. He opens his lips to her, automatic. He keeps his eyes open.
“Heard you got sold off.” She whispers.
“You heard right.”
“That’s a damn shame.” She invites him in, gives him a glass and a smile. “You been to visit your Daddy yet?”
my friend: it is subtle
me: i wish i had thought to write this fic
my friend: hehe
I envy people who say what they want to say in so few words
me: the rest of it plays out similarly
my friend: 'cause I am wordy as shit even with creative writing
me: like dropping hints etc
yeah, if i get carried away i let myself get really wordy
dude, when this girl asked me to beta, she was like THIS DRAFT IS SO ROUGH
it's really good
I threw that last part in there, because I still don't know what the fuck she was talking about.
The story arc of the first season is given to us in short, heart-breaking vignettes, through the eyes of a much more damaged, still hard as nails Deputy US Marshal Raylan Givens. Engage's Raylan is beautiful and broken and everyone around him knows who he is and where he's been. His thoughts are cold and his love for Harlan is even less than what we find in canon, yet his loneliness is almost palpable.
Basically, he gets all my tears and all my feels. I love this fic so much.
It's a beautifully written piece from a newbie to the fandom and I'm super glad that I could rec it here for you as the first of my 100 things!
This entry was originally posted at
Comment at Dreamwidth.