28 Weeks Later really sucked

Nov 13, 2007 20:41

I was surprised, cos the original is reasonably good, but this just pissed me off with it's stupidity. I know it's in vogue these days to believe the US Army is incompetent, but surely not as much as in this movie. You're seting up a base for reconstruction and recolonisation, and you're bringing in civilians - seeing as you're in a hostile environment and there's always the possibility of the rage virus cropping up again, it makes sense to have a 'Code Red' protocol. WHY DON'T YOU TELL EVERYONE ELSE WHAT IT IS??
If you're going to lock everyone in containment sheds at the first sign of infection, shouldn't you let them know beforehand that this was a possibilty? Make them aware of what to do in an emergency, and so forth. And then should an emergency arise - how about making some sort of announcement over the PA system (which you should also have) to that effect? Or an alarm - or any of the other ways people find out about fires, earthquakes, tsunamis etc.
And about those containment sheds - shouldn't they, you know, keep the zombies out??? Just maybe? Seeing as that's what they're meant to do?
And the shaky cam! Oh god, the shaky cam! What's wrong with using a tripod or Steadicam for a simple shot of some guys face while he's talking? He's not even moving around! Why all this handheld shit? I'm all for the use of shaky cam when appropriate (like a fight or chase, or zombie attack) but this was just irritating.
In general, the whole movie was completely unstructured - plotwise, and thematically. It was like reading a book with no paragraphs, chapter headings or punctuation. You could figure out what was going on, but it didn't make sense and there was no pacing. Most of it seemed pretty pointless, really. For all it's special effects etc, it's definitely the worst zombie movie I've ever seen.

zombies, movies

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