Call for Marshals for WW

May 08, 2007 06:25

Good day.

We still have three Two major outstanding staff positions to fill for WW.

Thrown Weapons Coordinator
Archery Coordinator - Master Etienne has graciously agreed to do this - BUT HE WILL STILL NEED MARSHALS! See below.
Youth Combat Marshals

The coordinators do not need to be marshalls. Their job is to make sure there are marshals available during the activity.

In the past, coordinating the activity has meant giving up the weekend to run the game so other people could play.

We're doing it differently this year, to try and make being the Person In Charge less onerous.

Let me stress - if there are no marshals, the activity won't happen. If we don't know there will be marshals in advance, we won't be setting up the activity in the hopes some appear by the day of the event. I don't want to see this happen, so at this time, I'm polling for marshals.

So - if you are a marshal who can and will fill any of the slots below, please email me at falcongirl at gmail dot com and let me know which you are willing to sign up to fill.

Thursday Evening
Friday Morning (pre-10am through noon)
Friday Noon (Noon - 5pm)
Friday Evening (5pm - 8pm or whenever the marshal wants to close)
Saturday Morning - Lady Eustacia
Saturday Noon - Lady Eustacia
Saturday Evening - Lady Eustacia
Eustacia is not sponsoring any shoots, but is happy to run other people's specialty shoots, Royal Rounds, or a practice line. She's also available for weapons inspections, but not at the time she's running the line.
Sunday Morning (IIRC, there's usually a Sunday morning shoot)

If you would like to sponsor a shoot, please also contact me.

Thursday Evening
Friday Morning (pre-10am through noon)
Friday Noon (Noon - 5pm)
Friday Evening (5pm - 8pm or whenever the marshal wants to close)
Saturday Morning (pre-10am through noon)
Saturday Noon (Noon - 5pm)
Saturday Evening (5pm - 8pm or whenever the marshal wants to close)

Any time you can spare would be wonderful. Even one or two hour increments would be good.

Thank you.
-Iulia Terra
Nordskogen WW Autocrat
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