Noranti has a sad little fangirl moment

Nov 21, 2006 18:13

Many interesting things are going on in my life at the moment, but instead I want to talk about the 'Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix' trailer which went online today.

Now, in my opinion book 5 was pretty bloody awful. So bad, in fact, that when I tried to re-read it just before 'The Half Blood Prince' came out, I just couldn't get through it.

Very little happens. Tonks is irritating. Sirius is whiney. The Weasley twins' exit from the school was done almost exactly the same in a fanfic I read ages ago. 3 chapters in a row are about people snogging in empty classrooms. If you're going down that route someone should at least lose their bra in the Astronomy Tower.

In sum total, the good bits are: Ginny playing it so cool around Harry that you cheer her on, Harry's punishment lines gradually biting a bloody sentence into his hand, and Snape.

However - the trailer is a delicious little snippet of explodey wizardy action, shouty Snape and Harry angst. Best of all are the shots of Harry et al zooming along the Thames on their broomsticks, past the Commons and the HMS Belfast - the trailer finishing with Harry hurtling camerawards away from a night-lit Canary Wharf.

And we only have to wait until July next year to see what they made of the rest of it.
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