(no subject)

Sep 06, 2012 21:03

Eventful week!

My mom was here from Saturday evening through Tuesday morning. It was a fun and generally relaxing time. I tried out a few new recipes (chard pasta and the okra recipes are keepers brusselsprouts not so much), and generally had a bit of a chance to catch up. My parents are crazy busy traveling for the next while, so I won't seem my mom for any real length of time again until my dad goes deer/elk hunting in Montana, which is I think in Oct or Nov.

Then on Tuesday, my coworker gave his notice. Aie! I certainly understand that he's moving onwards and upwards, but man, it puts me in a scramble. I'm going to be doing two already-more-than-full jobs until we can get someone hired and up to at least basic speed. It also likely torpedoes my 4/10 schedule, though there are a few weeks where, say, I already have plane tickets, so they'll need to let me keep to it occasionally.

But, Tuesday night I did go to a meeting of the Columbia Willamette Faceters' Guild! Very cool people (though 90% of them are older than my parents. This seems to be a theme with a lot of the strange hobbies I pick up), and very welcoming. It was their annual swap meet meeting, which meant that I picked up some opals for dirt cheap. I totally should have bought more, really, but maybe next year. The ones I picked aren't big, but they have a lot of fire and are interestingly shaped as-is, so I'm not planning on cutting them. I am planning on taking the faceting class, which starts up in a week or so (assuming they get back to me on allowing me to take a makeup class, as I'll miss the last session).

And then last night, I went and helped my dear friend Megan pack up her things. She's moving out to Connecticut for a few years to do more doctor-y things, and will likely be doing a program in NYC. East coast folks: You are lucky. She's amazing and awesome and I adore her, and you will too. I'll endeavor to make sure all y'all meet each other as scheduling allows.

I also launched a big project at work today with very few bumps, so that's exciting as well. And well timed, as I don't know when I'd have managed it later.

And now, I'm settling in to enjoy one of my last long weekends: Errands, massage, and brief work meeting tomorrow, then the Best of NW Animation fest on Saturday, to which I am bringing my brother and H. And sleep. So much sleep. Which is where I'm going now.

crafts, friends=awesome, job, work, doings

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