So, I signed up for because I'm seriously thinking about writing something for Yuletide this year. Two things stand in my way: I read a lot, but I hardly ever write; I worry I might disappoint the person I'm assigned to write for. But what the heck, I might as well try, rather than think about it for another year. So, I'll make this my first non-hello lj post, and put down my ten minutes a day writing here.
Five minutes down, five to go.
The thing is, it's hard to write randomly. Once I have a specific goal/assignment/idea it should be a little easier. Yuletide's probably a good place for me to start, because I do not work well without pressure. And it's a gift-giving, holiday kind of pressure, so a pleasant kind of stress. Ha! That reminds me, my New Year's resolution this year was to shop for presents before December. Except for toys for little cousins, I've kind of fallen down on that.
Yes! Ten minutes is up. Good start, I think.