It has been a while since I posted anything of worth which can be put down to a combination of constant pain and soul crushing depression about pretty much all aspects of life. Friends and family, as always, keep me going but to my shame I have been neglectful towards some of them.
Sev - Sorry I have not been in contact much since you got back and I hope you are over the worst of the pneumonia. The boy has been bad with that so I can appreciate just how awful it must have been for you.
Chris - Haven't had a catch up in a while but I hope all is good with you and you have had good news about being taken on with a permanent job,
David - I am so sorry I haven't been more of a friend, I didn't know that things have got to the stage they had with your mum. I know it might not seem like it but I am here for you if you need anything.
Keith - I know you have been having a lot of problems and I haven't really been there to support or offer solutions but if I am honest my head is so screwed I really don't think I could offer anything positive or constructive but that doesn't mean I don't care.
I don't want to whine or make excuses but I hope those that know me appreciate that this is not my usual nature and make allowances for it.
Have a cat macro as even at times like these they still bring a smile to my face