Jun 06, 2011 11:46
i'm not in any particularly bad or hurt mood, i just love this icon. :)
my hipster pandora station is turning out to be a rather cool collection of music. i seeded it with florence + the machine and at first pandora spit out all the music used for apple commercials, which i didn't mind. they're catchy little hip and funky tunes. i've come full circle to people like adele, imogen heap, and fiona apple; all artists that i like. i've also been further introduced to bands like fiest and phoenix, who i have only heard by name but never knew their music. this is actually really nice music for a monday morning. especially when i want to drown out all the annoying voices in the office...
there are a few people i work with who just grate on my nerves. i share a cube with coughy mccougherson. he's gotten better, but for the better part of the month of may, he would cough and cough and cough. he could barely take a breath and even spent most conference calls, WHICH HE RAN, muted and just listening. turned out he had really bad asthma, related to spring allergies, and he wouldn't take the medicine that would help it due to the paranoia he experienced while on that particular drug. i'm sorry, but i would take paranoia over NOT BEING ABLE TO BREATHE... anyway, he's better now, but his voice still bothers me. he's kinda wormy and he talks like his mouth of full of cotton. he's also got this horrible beard, on which he performs NO maintenance. it's almost disgusting. he originally had a goatee, which was alright, but now he's sporting a beard. i know he has two little girls, but at least give that thing a trim once a week. what makes it worse is that his head hair is neatly clipped and styled that it draws MORE attention to his unkempt beard. it's like a hobo beard. i'm waiting for birds to fly out of it. i'm wondering if his wife has commented on it... i know i would. luckily, i married a rather fastidious man.
there is a pair of women who i just don't like at all. i believe i've already mentioned the woman who has toed the line of sexual harassment with me (grabbing the belt-loop of my jeans to inspect the tattoo she spotted as i stood up from my chair at a meeting, and then lifting a dollar bill out of my BACK POCKET while standing, on the pretense of making sure i didn't lose that dollar...). her speaking voice and laugh just grate on my nerves. then there's this other woman who, for all the yoga and working out she does, is wound so incredibly tight. she actually cried in front of me one day because of her crippling workload. seriously? keep it together, lady. she also has this incredibly whiny voice and she always asks the most stupid questions during meetings. like, she's the one who asks those "duh-duh" questions. /sigh
you see why i need headphones to drown out the people i have to sit near at work...
i've spent the greater part of this past week sick. not sure where it came from, but i had such a fantastic 3-day weekend last week and i was rewarded with a sore throat and stuffy nose. i've still got the stuffy nose, but i'm feeling much better than i was. unfortunately, adele had to cancel the rest of her north american tour, due to her health. from what i've gathered, she's strained her voice and is under doctor's orders for at least a month of complete voice rest. while it sucks that we couldn't see her saturday, as planned, but i'm also glad since i was feeling crappy anyway. i wouldn't have been able to enjoy it as much as i might've. i still managed to hang out with friends, though, and enjoyed almost a full week of working from home. i could so do that on a regular basis. it might be kinda cool to work from home every other week. not sure if they'd allow that here. i think more than 2 days a week and they would consider me a contract employee. i don't want to have to worry about the related tax complications when it comes to being on contract...
i'm closing in on the third week of weight watchers. while i like being challenged, i'm starting to feel the pangs of frustration when it comes to wanting to eat things i probably shouldn't. since i'm someone who eats when bored, i have to really stop and think "am i bored or am i really hungry?" then, if i AM hungry, i have to then think about what i should and should not eat. "should i eat plain air-popped popcorn? or can i eat the buttered kind instead?" "i really could use a piece of chocolate... no, have an apple instead." it's taken something that i've always had a passion for [eating] and turned it into a bit of a chore. i'm sure i'll get more and more comfortable with it, but i'm entering that challenging phase. it's not like these are bad questions to ask myself, but it just requires more effort than i'm used to.
when i weighed-in last week, i was feeling really good. i was really good at "hatt's" wedding over the weekend and i managed to retrain myself at my mom's bbq on monday. i had also been walking and trying to get my 30 minutes of activity in each day. so, even though i was feeling light, the scale felt otherwise. the first week, the scale showed me down 2.8 pounds. i weighed-in with a gain of 1.2 pounds. still under my original weight by 0.8 pounds, but it was frustrating. i know that i shouldn't put too much weight (no pun intended) on the number shown on the scale, but that number means a lot when you're trying to get it to go down. i think my biggest and most immediate goal will be getting into the 140s; even if it is 149, i'll feel better.
so yeah...just plodding along and doing my best without feeling deprived. that's the "fat losers" way. :P
weight watchers,
word wall,