a boy and his tiger

Aug 06, 2011 00:03

i was introduced to calvin and hobbes by my favourite aunt after she had moved back from the states after graduating from ohio state (never held it against her). she lent me a book and said "you have to read this", which i did. aside from being terribly moved by the awesomeness of it all, i was distracted slightly by little notes that the guy who had given her the book wrote in the margins. they were cutesy in a flirty way, and even then i knew that he must've fancied here. there is a good chance that i might have stolen that book from her, a youthful indiscretion.

stateside, i didn't even mind the snow so much since i always imagined someone out there making outrageous snowmen, and i started collecting the books - read them all, then read them again. at one point i wondered why there weren't any new collections, but i didn't realize that it was all over till about two years after his retirement. i think i was at borders when it happened, and i must have been thumbing through it's a magical world.

at an art spiegelman talk, spiegelman mentioned that watterson was often at odds with his publisher over a great many things. notably he said that watterson wanted calvin to grow up at some point, and that he wasn't allowed to write that. i don't know if there is much truth to that, and personally i can't even decide if i want to know. what i do know is that it is a shame that watterson stopped writing/drawing, and secretly i hope that he's working on a project that he will reveal at a later date. it's been almost 17 years now, any time bill, any time now.

this post is due to this fake strip i saw recently about calvin and adhd drugs. the original was not of great quality, this one is cleaned up significantly. it made me sad.

and because everyone loves a happy ending, here's another fake.

and ... if you did want a peek into the future, check these out.
i promise, they will make you smile.

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