This weekend, I had a blast. Pigeon River, just keeps on getting more fun every year.
We didn't end up leaving till around 4 or 4:30, cause we had to wait for Liz to get off work. At last minute, we found out she was coming up with us. I'm glad she did, we had a lot of fun. Just wouldn't have been the same without her.
We went canoeing a lot. I went two times. The first time, Liz and I picked a very bad spot to use the bathroom. We walked over to this little island, and it turns out all the mud that was surrrouding it, was like quicksand. We both lost our shoes a few times. The last time I lost mine, I was sure it was gone for good. But Greg found it. He had to dig for it, but he found it. Now every time we pass that spot, we stay FAR away from it. I almost got taken out by a tree. My dad and I were heading right for it, it practically took me right off the canoe. I also got stuck under a fallen tree, I ducked the wrong way, it hurt. But I survived. Next year, we hope to have more than one canoe, we used Jack and Chris's too, but we need a few more so we all can go.
Kelly, Shama, and Heather all came up too. They had to leave Sunday though. But they had a blast. They all want to come back again next year.
We went two-tracking a lot. Sunday night, we got lost. We were gone till like 10. And it was COLD out there. My dad missed a turn, and it took us way out of our way. Every year, we get lost atleast once. It adds excitement. Luckily, that night I dressed much warmer than the night before. Two hooded sweatshirts, and my mom brought a comforter. I practically lived in my AE Hoodie this weekend. It had its warm and cold parts. But the weather was still great, no rain :)
I got another leech on me. I think they love me. Before we walked down the river, I had a few shots of Tequila Rose with my mom and Liz, so I didn't get as upset as I did the last time a leech got on me. This one was smaller.
I took a buttload of pictures this weekend. They are all here: Today, I had to get back to my regular schedule. It wasn't fun. I had car trouble on my way to work today, so I was 30 minutes late. I had to pull over at 14 and Dequindre, I was only a mile from work. My engine was getting too hot, so my grandpa came and helped me. Then I had class after work. I am dead tired now. And tomorrow, I have to go to school 10-3, then work 4-close. Fun stuff.