Ta ta

Nov 04, 2005 00:58

In a few hours, I wake up for the drive to Belize. I'm so excited for this trip, it's not even funny. I really need to get away for a little while, and plus I have a hunch that by Monday I'll be anxious to get back home. (Which really is the point of a vacation anyway.)

I had a great couple of days since my job ended. A lot of it was spent trying to get ready for this trip and for work next week, in that I did some research on dive shops, took care of some certification details, and did some business casual clothes shopping. It turns out I probably overshot the mark, since it's not quite so formal as I had thought. Next week I'll find the balance, I'm sure.

My contract extension is for shit, though. The guys can't make up their minds about what the requirements are, and the business people want the completed code on Tuesday. Without a signed contract extension. And while I still don't know what to build! If they ever decide what they need, it'll be so last-minute that I'll get to seriously raise my rate.

I realized tonight while sitting at Metro with Chemist that we won't have a weekend to dance together for a month. I'm in Belize this weekend, he's got a family vacation next week, the following week is Nationals, and then Thanksgiving. Major pout. I'll make up for it with Tuesday nights and with group classes at the studio, I guess. Still, I'll miss that extra time together. Good thing we still have our evening coffee shop trips!

Oh, and tonight I took the men's salsa shines class, at the recommendation of Dancing Queen. Excellent class, but very difficult. For one thing, we were all sweating like pigs since we were moving so much. It's all technique and barely any pattern, so there are few opportunities to rest. Plus we were focusing a lot on rib cage isolation, the stuff that Dancing Queen talks about, but it was taught in a completely opposite fashion -- pull this side, as opposed to extend that side. It was a very interesting way to think about it, and I felt like I was really getting the hang of it. My hips were doing that awesome Figure-8 I keep trying for, so yay me! The class definitely puts me in my place, but I like it and want to stick with it for a while.

So later, gators. Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!
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