
Nov 02, 2005 01:43

I'm at a real transition point in my life right now, and it's pretty exciting. I'm realizing that with a little luck, I'm about to learn a lot about myself.

For one thing, I'm starting a new job in a week. Although I've worked for three companies since college, it's all essentially been the same thing with the same people. Now I get to start over, without any reputation preceding me, without any foreknowledge about the software domain I'm entering. Maybe I'll love it and maybe I'll hate it, but I realize that I already have the job mobility I've wanted, so I can move around if I want to.

At the same time, a circle of friends is probably about to weaken, and that sucks. I'm seriously going to miss Omniscience once he moves to Houston, as he's been such a good friend and (unbeknownst to him) mentor. We've gone through a lot together in five years -- from my being afraid to ask him stupid questions, to my attempting to become his right-hand man, to designing an entire platform together as a pair, to sharing our knew healthy lifestyle changes, to really just becomming friends. He's listened to my shit and I to his every day for four out of five years, and that's really amazing. I have zero doubt that his new life changes will be nothing less than spectacular, but I will definitely miss him.

And thanks to my good-bye email, my (former) co-workers know for sure how much an emotional sap I am. As if that's not readily apparent!

In a little over two weeks, solice and I will compete as a couple for the last time. I'm getting pressure up the wazoo to pick a new dance partner in the meantime, and I'm taking my time on that one. First I need to decide for myself whether I want a new partner, and then I need to decide what's important to me. This is a big commitment in a way, and I'm going to take the time to try to find someone with whom I will be happy and will grow. Through no fault but my own, I feel like I let my desires in this arena get pushed aside, and so I really want to set my own course for next year.

The real interesting thing will be to watch my and Solice's friendship after the dance partnership is over. She's been a very important part of my life for the past three years, and we've spent a lot of time together. We've worked hard, we've spent many a weekend hanging out, and she even accompanied me up to Allentown for my cousin's wedding. But dancing has been central to our friendship, and this year has had lots of stressful moments. I of course love her, but now we get to see how strong our friendship truly is once the dancing component is removed.

It's similar in a way to what's going on with me and Chemist. We've experienced the transition from romantic to not so, and our friendship is going through some tests. I'm absolutely thrilled at how we're doing, as I've mentioned before. So thus far, that's been a painful transition with a positive result.

So yeah, I'm really excited for 2006 to show up. I want this to really be a year where I develop and rediscover my true self. I'll have the chance to really discover what are priorities to me and see how they differ from what they have been. Like every year so far, this one will have its ups and downs. But also like every prior year, this one promises to be better than the previous ones.
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