It's three o'clock... let's be brief

Oct 27, 2005 03:21

I'm tired but had another awesome night of dance class and Starbucks with Chemist, so I'm in a great mood as usual.

My contract job is almost over. I'm still trying to get them to finalize some of the specification, even though it's all due on Friday. Something tells me that I'll be working most of tomorrow on this. The test suite passes with all but the last two test cases (the ones relying on that spec clarification), but everything else if solid, well-written, fully tested, and documented. I'm very pleased with how this first contract job went, and I hope they will be too.

Had a great lesson with Dancing Queen again. We worked on cha-cha, trying to put in some more of the flavor of the dance. We spent lots of time on basic Cuban motion and on how to maintain a strong presence through posture without locking up. Plus we even spent a little while adding in some arm motions. Right now it's pretty forced and mechanical, and we were both in hysterics watching me try to add this to my dancing style. It'll take a little time to come naturally, but I'm loving this new addition to the overall challenge of dancing. To help me out with this, since it's especially difficult and new to me, DQ is recommending I take the Men's Salsa Shines class next month. I'm not especially fond of salsa music, but I think this will be a great experience for me.

My job ends on Monday. I'm so ready to be done with that.

This weekend, I'm going to get certified as an enriched air diver. Scuba Instructor is teaching myself and three others. We have coursework on Friday night (I think starting at 6:00), and then a couple of dives on Sunday afternoon. We were hoping to use Nitrox in Cozumel on our little vacation November 4-7, but it's been largely destroyed by the latest hurricane. Tomorrow I call the travel agent to see what options we have.

Ok, time for bed. I'm sure there will be contractors at my door early tomorrow, and besides I need to get a head start on my contract work.
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