I've come to a conclusion- and really- this isnt going to be any apocalyptic, earth-shattering news flash - more just the whole 'after four seasons - shaking my head in disgust' kinda thing... but my conclusion is this... while the one thing that is so utterly pheonomenal about Supernatural is its fans... alternately- its also its bane...
Rant behind the cut )
You know the first thing I thought when I saw the promo clips for 5.2? Oh god, the Sam Girls are going to have a meltdown if Ellen hugs Dean and not Sam... We've already got people complaining about Jensen mentioning an ITB-like ep that Jared's not in much, ("I feel so sorry for Jared..." - who's said the Sam storyline is the best it's ever been and couldn't be happier,) and then of course there's the "It's all Dean and Cas now, Sam's not going to be in it!" Sheesh. Gimme a break. It's people making stupid comments like that about a season that hasn't even started yet that make my blood boil! And then there's the whole, "It's soooo not fair, Sam's the Antichrist and Dean's Christ now?" No. When did Kripke ever say that? And why was it a surprise that Sam did the demon blood thing when he was clearly going to go that route right from the pilot episode????
Grrrrrrr... Yeah. You've touched a nerve here, Tree, can you tell???!!
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