Taking the good with the bad...

Sep 13, 2009 11:20

I've come to a conclusion- and really- this isnt going to be any apocalyptic, earth-shattering news flash - more just the whole 'after four seasons - shaking my head in disgust' kinda thing... but my conclusion is this... while the one thing that is so utterly pheonomenal about Supernatural is its fans... alternately- its also its bane... 
 The season premier had barely aired before all the brother bashing had begun... fueled by Buddy Tv (John Kubicek held both the gasoline and the match) the Sam vs Dean controversy had started all over. Forgotten in seconds was the underlying theme of family, forgotton was the idea that at the end of the day, these guys are brothers to the end and will eventually find their way back to the relationship they've always had, forgotton was the fact that above all else Dean holds nothing more dear than his brother and has already sacrificed everything for him- how long can we REALLY expect him to stay angry, hurt or remain unforgiving.... but no... all many in the fandom can apparently dig their teeth into is WHO"S MORE AT FAULT HERE? Sam started the Apocalypse, Dean broke the first seal... WHO FRIGGIN CARES? What happened to loving the show? Do any of these people think for ONE minute that this show would be worth a damn if it didnt have one or the other brother? Would Supernatural BE Supernatural if it didnt have this heart-breaking controversy.... and oh- by the way.... do these people have families? Or are their families cookie cutter replicas of the Cleavers? Cause mine sure as Hell isnt... Show me a perfect family and I'll show you massive denial.... As Bobby so eloquently put it last season... "they're supposed to make your miserable...thats why they're family..."

So as I sit here reading all the back and forth rhethoric... Poor Sam... poor Dean... I'm thinking to myself... Poor Supernatural... cause while its been the unbelieveable support of the fans thats kept the show alive- I'm seriously concerned that this kind of stupid behavior is what will nail it in its coffin.

Come one people... grow up!!!

I still love the show... always will... and I know other people do too... even if they choose strange ways of showing it....

season 5, fandom, sn

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