Carcinogens vs. giant flying ants

Jul 02, 2011 17:42

So my landlady came over last night to bring me dinner as I'm recovering. (She's very nice.) While here, she mentioned that my next door neighbor is having problems with large flying ants and an exterminator is coming over to spray on Tuesday. She's concerned that after they spray my neighbor's apartment, said large flying ants will simply migrate to my apartment and the one on the other side of my neighbor's, and asked if I wanted the exterminator to spray here too.

Now I don't like pesticides and herbicides as a general rule. My body's genetic defense system against cancer has a few gaps in it. But then again I am not, um, overly fond of ants, especially the giant flying kind. I haven't actually seen one here yet, and I really don't want to.

So what would you do? And what would you recommend I do? I would have to vacate my home for a few hours on Tuesday, which suggests that the poison is quite potent. And I haven't yet seen these ants, so I don't have this problem in my apartment. On the other hand, I'd really rather avoid an infestation if at all possible. I'm very much on the fence about this.

life, health

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