Ohio Valley Filk Festival

Oct 28, 2009 22:10

I had a great time this weekend. A few highlights:

1) wishesofastar and oknight are wonderful hosts who loan me books and give me DVDs and things. Leelu thinks I'm an evil burglar.

2) Musical highlights: "Das UberTuber," by Ookla the Mok; "Mad Scientist's Love Song;" and "Gabriel Gray's Song," a wonderfully creepy tribute to Sylar from Heroes. It was also great jamming to "Women with Drums." (Thanks to jayene for lending me her drum.)

3) braider, talk to jayene about teaching a musical theory 101 class next OVFF.

4) I got to rap "Castle in the Clouds" from Les Miserables.

5) While working the ConSuite, I found myself chatting with one of the people in charge of Marcon programming. I found out that her husband is a big Dragonlance fan, and got to pitch my Dragonlance panel idea. She actually seemed interested rather than bored when I launched into a brief Dragonlance history lesson. ;-) We might actually have a Dragonlance panel this year!

6) I got to meet the Orthodox Jewish contingent from New York and Israel when I was sent to see if food was Kosher or not.

7) I had a nice visit with my parents.

8) Storytelling at Fly-by-Night went very well, and I might be back in the spring.

Thank you, braider, for arranging for me to be staff; wishesofastar, for giving me a place to stay; and jayene for keeping me company in the ConSuite and for the music lesson.

friends, events, filk, storytelling

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