Here are the rules:
1. Comment on this post
2. I will give you a letter
3. Think of 5 fictional characters and post their names and your comments on these characters in your LJ.
My letter was "T":
1. Tara - the innocent, doomed witch from "Buffy, the Vampire Slayer." I identified with her, especially because of her uncertainty. She always tried to do the right thing, which isn't easy when you're living on a Hellmouth.
2. Tegan - One of my favorites of the Doctor's companions from "Doctor Who." She was the common-sense, no-nonsense Australian whose family was killed by the Master. She traveled with my favorite Doctor, the sensitive new-age guy. They formed a nuclear family, looking after alien teenagers Nyssa and Adric. In the original series, this was the first time there was a hint of romance between the Doctor and a companion. (While Leela was in part meant as a fanservice, there was nothing I recall from the script that suggested that she and the Doctor were a couple; and despite the secret marriage between Tom Baker and Lalla Ward, the writers insisted that the Doctor and Romana were never anything but mentor/protege. The idea that the Doctor viewed Sarah any differently than Harry is a retcon from the second series.)
3. Tanis Half-Elven - the father of one of my favorite Dragonlance characters. I suspect Tanis was created when Weis and Hickman were sitting around and one of them said, "What would have happened in Lord of the Rings if Aragorn had been completely and utterly neurotic?" In the Dragonlance movie, Tanis was disappointingly played by Michael Rosenbaum as a whiny, indecisive two-dimensional caricature of, well, Tanis.
4. T'bor - Weyrleader and bronze dragonrider from Anne McCaffrey's Dragonriders of Pern series. A nice guy in a mean society. I would have liked to see Brekke end up with him rather than the rapist F'nor.
5. Uncle Tom - from Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin. The insult "Uncle Tom," meaning an African-American who just tries to please whites, doesn't really apply to the character. In the novel, he has a chance to escape slavery by fleeing north, and refuses. One of the escaping slaves says he's just staying because all he knows how to do is please his master. Uncle Tom responds, "I don't owe any loyalty to Simon Lagree. I'm staying to protect the other slaves who aren't strong enough to run." Uncle Tom got a bad rap.
Carcinogen of the day: PCE in drinking water -