If you want headphones, buy Sennheisers. They're beautiful quality and well-regarded, but here's the thing - I really, really don't like those whole-ear-covering headphones. You know, the good ones, like Sennheiser makes. And earbuds just aren't comfortable for me. I like the style of those hideously $3 airplane headphones, the ones that are a tiny circle and a band and a tiny circle. I have no idea why. Conditioning, maybe - but they're really, really comfortable to me. Of course, they're also cheap, and break immediately.
For Christmas my brother was sweet and got me a great pair of headphones - as a surprise! Except they were the whole-ear-covering ones and those are sort of insta-headache to me. He went 'oops' and was kind enough to buy me new ones, to my cheapy specifications. Sennheiser cheap things! And oh my god are they comfortable, with cushioning and beautiful sound quality and adjustable and everything you could want from the least efficient kind of headphone, and some stuff you didn't expect, like they can fold up!
Part of the reason my headphones break is that I'm always rolling over the wire, or dropping them, and trust me that when I first got these they were always on the ground all folded up and looking broken and very sad.
But they still work. And I am honestly amazed enough to make a post about it. Where no matter how many times I drop them or roll over them or step on them or fidget with the folding mechanisms, they still work! And sound great! So, buy Sennheisers. Or, alternately, don't abuse your headphones the way I do.
In other news I hate moving so, so much and am depressed and not doing much of it and will be stuck jamming everything into boxes on the last day. I HATE MOVING. We were just starting to unpack the non-essential stuff! Books are essential, by the way, and packing them always becomes some weird geometric challenge of how many books can you possibly possibly pack into one small book box.
Life on Mars is an awesome show and I finished Series 1 and when do we get Series 2? And also cooking is amazing. It's alchemy, I swear. You take things and put them together and you get something that didn't exist before! That is tasty, if you do it correctly! How anyone survives without powdered garlic, also, I do not know. Like, we also have garlic-garlic around (and kind of a lot of it, too) but sometimes when making a chicken breast you just need to coat it with garlic powder. Possibly I am a shoddy trash cook but still.
Finally finished all those memes and have no idea how any of you come up with interesting animals people remind you of. People don't remind me of animals! Obviously I am flawed.
My tonsils and lymph nodes are still swollen. It's a weird feeling. It can't be helped by how I keep prodding my throat to see if they are still like this. (*prod* Yep. *prod* Still are. *prod* Mhm. *prod* Wonder why the swelling won't go down. *prod, prod*)
Having trouble sleeping even in the daytime now because of nightmares. Which, awesome, yes, let's do that again. Really deep sleep + nightmares = fun! Also I'm basically surviving on cereal for most of my meals, todays 'yay I can cook' adventures notwithstanding.
Also I need to find some comics I actually like or otherwise my brain will explode.
Me: I like comics!
Other person: Here have a comic you might like!
Me: Oh. I don't like that one. But thanks.
Other person: Try this one!
Me: That one either. Or that one. Or that one. or. or. or.
It's like a logic trap. Do I actually like comic books? I mean, I do. Except they're all not very good. Even the good ones don't appeal to me. (Superman: Red Son made me want to throw heavy things and everyone likes Superman: Red Son.) I still like Y: The Last Man, at least. Runaways makes me sad that the 'omg mutant teens living on the street!' are not actually living on the street but in various incredibly safe and chic hideouts. I was honestly expecting, like, drug abuse and molestation and hiding. But everyone's just sort of having a nice time. Rr.
I really did have something important to say when I started this except then I went 'ah, I should finish the memes first' and now all I'm left with is the less important things, and also panicking. Flail.
Have been doing data entry to calm self down. No, I have no idea.
Edit: Hey, Americans.
Watch this. It's a video on Google Video, put out by Flex Your Rights and the ACLU, on how to protect yourself during searches. It's long, but I watched it through and I think it's worth it. Look up your own state rights, and if you hate informative videos, dig up aclu.org or flexyourrights.com and wander through the search rules. (Good FAQ
here.) If you know your rights, you're less likely to have them violated. And you can raise a fuss if they are. Keep yourself safe, yeah?
more evidence that sexual orientation is developed in the womb.
(Sorry this is getting so long. Let me know if it really needs an lj-cut.)