Apr 21, 2008 13:58
It's raining outside. I have been waiting so long for it to rain and it's finally. It's amazing. I don't think people realize just how much I love the rain. Sure, it makes barbecues a lot more difficult, and I hate carrying books around in it, because I like them to remain pristine and not warped to illegible masses of sopping paper.
But rain just...I can't even describe it. It invigorates me, it empowers me. No matter what mood I'm in, it lifts my spirits. If I'm sad, or stressed, it gives me a release to any negative feelings and fills me with calm. If I'm happy, I become ecstatic. I run around with my arms stretched out wide giggling like a madman until it looks as though someone threw me into the ocean.
I just came in from walking in the rain. I got off work, put my books down, and went straight back downstairs and out the door, since it started coming down in sheets...
"Lovely weather today, isn't it?" I stated to a passerby.
He snorted, assuming I was being sarcastic. I threw open the doors, rushed out side and just stood there, just let it fall on me, head up, flowing down my hair, into my eyes, down my back, drenching my coat, and shirt, falling against my skin. I walked, skipped, jogged, ran, twirled, stood, and stared up in the rain until it finally dissipated.
I'm now inside eating white cheddar cheezits and drinking white tea flavored with peach looking out my window at the sun which decided to make an appearance today.
Today is a good day.