Jan 30, 2009 16:22

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shebegsmetoquit February 3 2009, 18:49:39 UTC
Meibel is a highly optimistic girl, despite some of the awful things that have occurred over her life thus far. She believes in miracles, and most especially in luck (which has, ironically enough, landed her in quite a bit of trouble). Meibel has a genial disposition and is quite gregarious, happy to make friends with even the weirdest of people (most likely the result of living with a kindly-yet-freaky vampire and fashion-loving alien, along with her grumpy-face brother and their crazy circle of friends). She was taught to be polite to people when she was young, and she maintains her civility even with those she dislikes, though forced it may be.

Few things bother this girl, but one of the things that she can barely tolerate is loneliness. Meibel has almost always had someone to stand by her through the tough times, usually in the form of her older brother. Since leaving her little family, it's been difficult for her to adjust to relying on herself and living all by herself in a junky apartment, but Meibel's gotten through it by interacting with co-workers, customers and people she's met around the community. Still, when she's at home all alone and it's completely quiet, she can't help but feel a bit sad.

Because of her love of games and gambling, Meibel can be quite competitive, though she would never stoop low and cheat. Bad sportsmanship is one of the few things that really pisses her off. "All is fair in love and war" does not apply to Poker, Blackjack, Dice, or anything else along those lines in her world (and it shouldn't apply anywhere else anyway). To win by fraud or deception is like not winning at all to her. She'd rather lose than cheat her way to a victory or a bag o' money. Since she believes so much in honesty, she really, really hates being accused of cheating or lying. It's not her fault that she has such good luck with these games!

Though she is rather beautiful, she isn't all that vain, either. Meibel's main concerns about her appearance are about looking clean and somewhat fashionable. Meibel doesn't bother with make-up too much either, mostly because she finds it a little tricky to apply things like eyeliner when she only has one good eye.

Attractive as she is, she doesn't respond well to sexual advances, mostly due to her last sexual encounter. Meibel is likely to get blushy and flustered in this kind of situation, and her friendly demeanor will probably be replaced by an awkward and fumbling one.

Most people will probably either find her to be rather refreshing or very annoying to be around. Because of her sunny disposition, optimistic-to-a-fault beliefs and her ability to bounce right back up after something bad has happened, she can be likened to a child. That, and the fact that she's very easily distracted by the OOH SHINY BLINKING COLORED LIGHTS. And clumsy (helloooo lack of depth perception and full peripheral vision).


shebegsmetoquit February 3 2009, 18:49:59 UTC
Meibel Song is a 21-year-old young woman with, well, a few assets that separate her from a normal woman her age. Aside from her amazingly upbeat personality that not many people seem to share (especially with someone with a story like hers), she posses rabbit ears and a cottonball tail. It makes her something of an oddity, and sometimes, Meibel isn't taken very seriously because of these features. It annoys her, but she's quick to prove herself to be a hard-working and eager person.

Her life growing up was full of ups and downs. When Meibel was just 9-years-old, she and her older brother became orphans after their parents were murdered while they were at school, and everything worth anything was stolen. They lived off the streets, sometimes garnering things to survive off of by looking cute, sometimes by money earned by Almond's singing skills, sometimes through... erm, stealing, though the tried to avoid it as much as possible.

One night, while Almond was away, a man saw Meibel all alone and struck a conversation with the young girl, piquing her interest when he mentioned playing a game with money. Knowing that they needed money for necessities, she played with the man.

And she kept winning, and winning and winning. Infuriated by his losing streak to a freaky little rabbit girl, the man attacked Meibel. Almond returned soon after, but he was just a tiny 12-year-old-how could he save his little sister from this hulking man? He tried to get the man to release his sister, but his efforts were useless and he was knocked away. Meibel felt herself being lifted off the ground and braced herself for whatever was to come, but the next thing she knew, her bottom was back on the ground and there wasn't touching her anymore. When she looked up, the man was being pinned down by one of a small stature, and the color in his face began to drain right before their eyes.

That was how they met Bruce Aldridge, quite possibly the nicest vampire ever to grace the planet. He took the two children in, providing them with food, shelter and protection. Neither of them are sure why he took them in, but regardless, they're eternally grateful to him. Meibel thinks of him as a father-figure of sorts, and a very good friend.

Life thereafter was pretty normal, until more people began coming into their lives and Meibel was old enough to legally gamble in casinos. When she was 19-years-old, Bruce brought home what looked to be a young boy (who later turned out to be an aspiring-fashion-designer-alien named ♪#!1☆ that eventually adopted the name Stevie), and they met a young man connected to the main crime family in the city, the Girasoles, named Joseph Castillo.

Long story short, she began frequenting a casino run by the Girasole crime family, and once again, her crazy amount of good luck with cards, dice and money got her into trouble. Bruce came to her rescue again, killing Feliciano Girasole, though not before Almond was injured by a bullet meant for Meibel. They fled the scene, but after everything settled back down, Meibel ran away from home, not wanting to trouble her brother or friends any longer. Besides, she is an adult now, right? She couldn't just spend the rest of her life clinging to her precious little family, relying on them for everything.

Since then, Meibel has been leading a rather normal life in Nonnom City.


lol fail me shebegsmetoquit February 3 2009, 18:51:14 UTC
Misc. Notes:
» Her "family" consists of Almond Song, Bruce Aldridge and Stevie Phillips. She misses them dearly and often thinks of them. Meibel keeps in contact with them through phone, but that's about it.

» Meibel is not fond of alcohol (see below for a reason) and will pretty much turn down any offer for a drink. She doesn't mind if people drink it around her as long as they don't drink excessively, hurt anyone or make fools of themselves.

» Meibel is blind in her right eye from an incident in another casino. She has extremely good luck with most gambling games, which caused a drunk man to accuse her of cheating. He threw a shotglass at her face and it shattered, ruining the sight in that eye.

» Gambling is pretty much Meibel's one and only vice.

» Her favorite game is Blackjack.

» She can't sing very well at all-pretty much any and all singing ability in the family went to her older brother. Because of this, she'll pretty much turn down any invitation to sing or participate in karaoke.

» No, you may not have one of her feet.

» She doesn't drive. Hello, lack of depth perception! Meibel can't afford a car anyway. xD;

» This app is ridiculous. My sister and I are retarded.

In-Character Example Post:
It was a pretty eventful day today~ ♪ It was kind of a busy day today, so I hope I have enough energy for work! Haha... ^o^;; Please let me... I first went to the Post Office-Stevie's birthday is coming up pretty quickly, so I wanted to make sure his gift got there in time. Of course, silly me totally forgot that he moved out a few months ago too, so I had to run back there and get that all straightened out, ahaha... ha... Went to the cafe to have a nice little breakfast. Ah~ I love warm cinnamon buns in the morning!

I stopped by the casino for a little while gosh, how terrible, I should be saving my money! and busted a few dollars there. |D;; It's okay, though, I guess, since I wasn't there for too long and I got some of it back from winning a few hands.

After that, I went to do the groceries. :x I swear, I'm going to need to start getting those things delivered to me at the apartment or something; it's kind of tiresome to buy only a few things at a time and then take the bags on the bus, and then drag them upstairs!

Finally, I talked to my brother Almond for a while. Things seem to be pretty fine back home, though he says they still miss me a lot. (;w;)

... I wonder if it's weird for them, now that there's no feminine touch in the house anymore. Maybe I should ask sometime...

Lastly, provide a cat macro as part of the initiation process:


Re: lol fail me fishy_innkeeper February 3 2009, 19:01:48 UTC
Fffff I love this character! Approved! Respond here with character journal and make your first post within two weeks, etc. XD

Man it feels weird to be on the mod's side of this!


Re: lol fail me blackjackrabbit February 3 2009, 19:10:27 UTC
Uwaa, thank you~ Haa, it's kind of like the second coming of Vulpix, though I created her before 'Pix. |D This is going to be fun~

It's weird at first, but ya get used it-that's how I was when SBG first began. x3


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