[Another package in the mail, another non-Piplup regain. Dawn's gotten pretty used to the disappointment by now, so her depression doesn't last as long this time around. At least she's still got Piplup's Pokedex entry to look at whenever she gets really lonely. All she can do is keep hoping he'll show up next time, so there's quite literally no need to worry, as it's not going to get her anywhere just moping about it. But what did Dawn get back this time, you ask? Why, it's
this charming little number - the cheerleading outfit she wears when she's rooting for Ash during his gym battles, complete with pink pom-poms. And even though it's the beginning of November and it's getting to be too chilly out for short skirts, Dawn is stubbornly out on the front lawn practicing her cheers anyway. Besides, it's still football season at the high school, so it's not like this sort of thing is totally unheard of for this time of year.]
"Ash Ketchum is here to fight! He will win your badge tonight!"