Finally home from work

Oct 07, 2011 16:38

I know no one reads my lj anymore but, it's nice most of the people to whom I'm friended have not deleted me.
I miss lj more and more, I miss fandom and the old days.

This morning I saw the article about Ryo and the other one leaving News but, I had to .. work :(

Recently I started looking at Zenkai girl, it's so-so, but, it's the first jdrama I've looked at in a while.
I don't go on 2ch anymore, but no doubt that's where all the hate is, on twitter all the tweets in Japanese are of "shokku" and bikkuri and quite a few wondered who the heck the rest of the members were. Poor 4nin.

I don't know why but, a lot of people feel betrayed by YamaP,
Ok I take that back, I do know why.
Apparently he said he would never leave.

But, even if he did say that, it's quite possible that he felt that way at the time, maybe he didn't want you to hate him and not buy his solo CD so he told himself that he would really never leave. Lying to ourselves is something everyone does, yes even idols.
Of course he could just have been lying to "you" because even though he wanted to leave he didn't want you to cry about it.
Awww. Isn't he nice? So let's not be angry with him.

We would rather be ruined than changed;
We would rather die in our dread
Than climb the cross of the moment
And let our illusions die.
- W.H. Auden

So think about would you have rather he stayed and been miserable just so you could have things the way you wanted it?
As he slowly started to feel trapped and hate the other members. Just so you could pretend everyone was happy with the way things were?
Oh! I know, let's just all blame Kitagawa. -_-

Actually if I'm quite honest about it, I'm am truly pleased that Ryo and Yamashita left together.
Huge difference from when Shirota left D-boys and everything else in my life was going wrong.

But, most importantly it's Yuichi's bday.
I was tempted to do something dramatic like tweet "Happy Birthday Yuichi, you're gone but we won't forget you" to d-date or Miki
Then I remembered my age and that it was truly not funny.

channaka, crab-boy, d-boys

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