This pregnancy is really ticking along. Our midwife has said that, depending on other health factors she'd probably be willing to consider me full term from 36 weeks. That's just over 4 weeks away. Although I have no expectation of having this baby early the thought that it could be so soon feels strange. Exciting and terrifiying. I was born at 36
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Just out of interest, do you mind me asking how you found this journal? I'm not used to people I know (however slightly) IRL finding me here - not that its a problem. I'm just curious.
~smiles back~
If your reading of the lesbian TTC community was for personal reasons and you'd like suggestions of other online places that have been extremely useful to us then do feel free to ask. I wouldn't want to jump to conclusions though.
I'm not currently ttc, joined the com earlier in the year when I was having some worries about my fertility and finding dealing with the hospital system really fraught (having to justify asking for tests because surely if I'm a lesbian it doesn't matter because I won't want children). I found reading the stories of other women really helpful and supportive. Now things are a feeling little more settled on that front (periods back to some sort of normal, charting suggests I'm ovulating on some cycles but not all), hopefully once the rest of life settles (ha ha!) I'll start moving ahead on decisions about ttc.
It would be great to hear what other resources you've found useful, I'd love to talk with you sometime about the process too...
I'd love to come up and see you once you're feeling ready for company, my cousin lives in B'ham and has just given birth so I could have a day of baby visiting :-)
Yey for future visiting plans. :)
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