Feb 12, 2007 16:11
Today, following advice from our clinic, we went to see our GP. As it was three of the regular doctors were off sick so we saw someone we haven't seen before, but he was very lovely. He took all my medications off my repeat prescription list - the Metformin was only there to get me to ovulate and I hopefully won't be needing to do that for a while, and all the other drugs were pain meds for endo pain with my periods, and likewise, all being well I won't be facing that particular trauma for some time. It's quite bizarre to be prescription free, although the folic acid is still being popped daily.
I had been hoping to get a copy of the book that they give out to all first time parents, mainly to get the low-down on what things it's recommended I do and don't eat. I have a feeling I'd have ended up being more relaxed that the formal guidelines anyway but as it turns out he ran through the list and there are very few things to avoid, and none of them are things we regularly eat anyway. And peanuts are OK apparently, which given the amount of the stuff we normally get through is a very positive thing.
He congratulated us. He confirmed our due date to be October 19th. He's booked me into the system for antenatal care - I'll be continuing under the care of the consultant who we were under for the fertility support for the time being, even though she's based at a different hospital to the one closest to us. Assuming all goes well I'll be signing off from consultant care later in the pregnancy as I'll want midwife-led care and a home birth, but for the time being it'll be quite nice to be under Dr D. At least we might get to see her and thank her face-to-face.
It suddenly all feels more real. We've now had five positive pregnancy tests, each a little stronger than the one before. I think we might be able to stop testing now and just have some faith. The doctor we saw today told us that the strength of the line on the test doesn't mean anything anyway. If there's a line, it's positive, however strong it is.
We are now officially pregnant. The bean has at least got itself nicely embedded in there and seems to be staying put for now. It just needs to keep growing and doing all the miraculous things it's been doing. It would be nice to feel miraculous in some way too, to echo the brilliance of the event going on in there, but I just feel normal. Still kind of premenstrual, with regular aches in my belly, but normal. It's amazing to think that inside my normal, everyday body there is now another human being. A pretty tiny one, one that's only just beginning to take on the task of building itself a nervous system, but a human being all the same.
Hello little one. Stick with us.