3 days without the Net, how does one survive?

Oct 08, 2007 12:15

Agggh. My phone line was down for about 3 days, so I haven't been able to post, or go on the net in general, for that time. I've got quite a lot of crap to post up about/do, including:

- No Future For You
- Hairspray (which I was forced to watch for a friend's birthday)
- Superbad (which was Supergood... lamest pun ever)
- Heroes 2x01
- A new Required Reading.
- Making/posting some actual art which I've put off for ages.

I've also got a tonne of holiday homework to do that I've also put off. Last holiday I was so much more proactive with my homework possibly because I had less of it. Now, because I have a lot, I've put it off till now! Go fig my logic...

And yet again, I'm unable to find a suitable icon for my post... I really need to build up a better collection like jetwolf has.

tv, hairspray, life, comics, no future for you, holiday, homework, to do, internet

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