More Inferno

Apr 09, 2010 03:27

One minor irritation about which I will complain is as follows:

I'm playing on Hellish difficulty - it makes the game last longer and gives me a much more substantial sense of accomplishment when I clear an area or defeat a boss. I do, however, die often. Often as in it's not uncommon for me to spend half and hour to an hour on a difficult area (I mean single room), or up to two hours on a difficult boss.

That's not the problem, though. The problem is that the game has this annoying habit of, upon Dante's death, restarting him just a tad too far back, and often you'll have to pull the same lever, push the same block, or otherwise activate some machinery for the twentieth time to get back to the fight. I don't understand why it doesn't just respawn you right at the fight. I can't even count how many times I must have pulled some of those levers and waited for the same fucking platform to rise, or some crap like that.

Addendum: Oh, and there's this cheesy mini-game you play when you absolve a damned soul which lets you collect bonus souls by "capturing the sins"... which translates to pressing the A, B, X and Y buttons in coordination with circles that fall towards them at various speeds from the four compass directions.

I felt this was very out of sync with the mood (and gameplay) of the rest of the game.
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