Poop is ageless

Apr 08, 2010 20:37

I bought baby wipes for the apartment, but everythingisso told me I bought the wrong kind, since the wipes I bought are specifically for actual babies and are disposable only in the trash, not the toilet. Apparently they make adult wipes you can flush.

I got to thinking - why is it acceptable for a baby's shit to hang around in the trash, and not an adult's? If I left a shitty wipe in the bathroom garbage bin, one of the other residents of my apartment would surely have something to say about it. Why is it weird, gross or otherwise frowned upon for me to leave my shit in the garbage when a trash full of baby shit is inconsequential?

Shit is shit. Actually, no - baby shit is much worse than mine (usually). If anything, a trash full of baby shit should be less acceptable than a trash full of mine.
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