4.01 Lazarus Rising -Short Review of the Supernatural Season 4 Premiere

Sep 22, 2008 13:00

Warning: Those who have yet to see the episode and don't want to be spoiled should not continue to read.

Lazarus Rising 4.01

First off I'd like to state that after four months of waiting and four months desperately mourning Dean's death I was definitely not disappointed which I can't say for another supernatural premiere.

Next is the fact of how much of an evil genius Kripke is.  I tend to have a weakness when it comes to spoiler, especially casting sides, and he managed to mislead me so many times.  The one for Castiel where he told dean that he was a demon when he was in fact an angel.  It's somewhat ironic when the foreshadow is more obvious than supposed spoilers.

Speaking of Castiel I absolutely adore the actor they chose.  He definitely pulled off the 'ominous terrifying yet safe' persona that angels are portrayed as even in his 'holy tax accountant' visage.  He's also easy on the eyes. ;)

I'm not so sure about the new Ruby but I'm willing to give her a chance.  The actress seems ok but the character seems to have changed as well which is kinda odd.  She seemed to act almost as a girlfriend than the demon that seemed as if she wanted to use whatever power Sam has.  It might have been a really really good act but she didn't want to get in the way and told Sam that she would back off, it was just odd.

There were so many squee moments in the episodes.  Both the hug between Dean and Bobby, and Dean and Sam made my heart melt.  Also the 'Darth Samuel' part was awesome I've been waiting for Sam to go dark side and although I don't entirely think he's doing. However the whole scene with Castiel and Dean is just amazing.  There is definately a chemistry between Jensen and Misha (I think that's his name) that I can't wait to see play out throughout the series.

Jensen, Jared, and Jim have all upped their game for the fourth season.  Especially Jensen, and that not just my bias talking.

The only thing I could really find seriously wrong with episode, and this is really nit-picking, was the use of clique metaphors.  It may just be the AP Lit side of my brain (and yes it occupies and entire side of my brain) but it really annoyed me even the first time I watched it.  There's also the question of how exactly Dean got a Lighter in his pocket even though it's pretty clear that the clothes he has on were not the ones he died in.  And unless your ancient egyptian or something a lighter isn't something you typically bury the dead with. I dunno that just kinda bugged me.

With a season premiere like this I can't wait for the rest of season.  Unfortunately for the one question that was answered I was left with a bazillion others. Not to mention all the questions that Kripke still has to answer from previous seasons.  Hopefully the next episode at least answers a few. Overall I give the episode a 9.25 out of 10.  Until Thursday!


kripke, lazarus rising, castiel, jensen, dean, supernatural, sam, jared

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