Fandom Meme!

Aug 28, 2005 14:17

gakked from miana_dude

The Meme - WITHOUT LOOKING PAST THIS FIRST LIST, choose 12 characters from fandoms you know and love.


1. Princess Leia
2. Jack Bristow
3. Yayoi
4. Nobby
5. Luna Lovegood
6. Wes Janson
7. Sam Spade
8. Remus Lupin
9. The Sorting Hat
10. Luke Skywalker
11. Lauren Reed
12. Harry Potter

Now answer the following questions about these characters.

1. Have you ever read a Six/Eleven (Wes Janson/Lauren Reed) fic? Do you want to?

Er. Well, I don't think it exists. I HOPE it doesn't exist. But if it did, I would totally read it, because Lauren? Not so much with the whole sense of humour thing. Poor Wes.

2. Do you think Four (Nobby) is hot? How hot?

Hm. I suppose he'd be hot in full armour in Klatch. Or while being breathed on by a dragon. But other than that, OH HELL NO. :P

3. What would happen if Twelve (Harry Potter) got Eight (Remus Lupin) pregnant?

Now, I KNOW I've read a badfic like this once. Or more than once. I suppose there'd be a scandal in the Order. And Remus would crave chocolate like whoa, and angst about his baby maybe being a werewolf.

4. Can you rec any fic(s) about Nine (The Sorting Hat)?

Sadly, no. I bet Yubs could write a good one, though.

5. Would Two (Jack Bristow) and Six (Wes Janson) make a good couple?

NO. Jack is too scary and grouchy and totally not picking up on the attraction signals from others. And totally in love with Irina. And Wes is too silly and would get killed again. Wes and Alias characters DO NOT WORK. Except maybe Marshall.

6. Five/Nine (Luna/Hat) or Five/Ten (Luna/Luke)? Why?

Well, I'll break tradition and say Luna/Luke, even though they're not in the same fandom. Luna, for all her weirdness, would not do the Sorting Hat.

7. What would happen if Seven (Sam Spade) walked in on Two (Jack Bristow) and Twelve (Harry Potter) having sex?

Well, her first thought would probably be, "Whoa, trippy," since the HP books exist in WaT canon. And then she'd run away. Sam, for all her skankiness, isn't into pedophilia, or watching two guys getting it on. :P

8. Make up a summary for a Three/Ten (Yayoi/Luke) fic.

Yayoi's life is turned upside down when she unexpectedly finds love in a handsome young space-sailor...

9. Is there any such thing as One/Eight (Leia/Lupin) fluff?

I'd say probably not. I've never seen a HP/SW crossover.

10. Suggest a title for a Seven/Twelve (Sam/Harry) hurt/comfort fic.

Hm. 'Picking up the Pieces' maybe? Or 'Vacant Eyes, Warm Heart'. Heh.

11. What kind of plot device would you use if you wanted Four (Nobby) to deflower One (Leia)?

Oh, my goodness. I don't know why I'd want to. I suppose that, pre-ANH, Leia is looking for a place to make their new Rebel base and runs across a flat, disc-shaped planet. While there, she gets lost and is ... rescued from CMOT Dibbler or something by Nobby, and she feels that she has to ... show her gratitude?

12. Does anyone on your friends list read Seven (Sam Spade)  slash?

Hm. I read it once. It was Sam/Sara and involved schoolgirl uniforms. But no one else ever has, probably.

13. Does anyone on your friends list read Three (Yayoi) het?

Yubs probably does. That bad Kei/Yayoi, at least.

14. Does anyone on your friends list write or draw Eleven (Lauren)?

Hm. Puggy, Sunny and Hannah definitely write her.

15. Would anyone on your friends list write Two/Four/Five (Jack/Nobby/Luna)?

OMG NO. Though mostly that's because I can't think of anyone who shares all three fandoms. And Nobby should never appear in smut fic ever.

16. What might Ten (Luke) scream at a moment of great passion?

YIPPEE!!!! (taking after his dad)

17. If you wrote a song-fic about Eight (Lupin), which song would you choose?

Hm. I'm going to say 'Hungry Like the Wolf' by Duran Duran, because 'Werewolf' by the Five Man Electrical Band didn't really work, what with the killing and all. Maybe 'My Teacher is a Werewolf' by Harry and the Potters, just because.

18. If you wrote a One/Six/Twelve (Leia/Janson/Harry) fic, what would the warnings be?

Let's see, m/m/f, crossover, slashiness ... um, badfic?

19. What might be a good pick-up line for Two (Jack) to use on Ten (Luke)?

Oh, jeeze. "Let me show you the REAL power of Force" or something?

20. When was the last time you read a fic about Five (Luna)?

Actually, I don't remember. Luna doesn't seem to show up a lot in badfic.

21. What is Six's (Janson) super-sekrit kink?

Hm. I bet he wouldn't mind Shalla tying him up and making him mind. Or, like, ageplay or something. Ew.

22. Would Eleven (Lauren) shag Nine (Sorting Hat)? Drunk or sober?

Oh, absolutely. Drunk or sober. She has "predilections," you know.

23. If Three (Yayoi) and Seven (Sam) get together, who tops?

Sam. She's older and more experienced, and Yayoi is too prone to dissolving into squee. :P

24. "One (Leia) and Nine (Hat) are in a happy relationship until Nine (Hat) suddenly runs off with Four (Nobby). One (Leia), broken-hearted, has a hot one-night stand with Eleven (Lauren) and a brief unhappy affair with Twelve (Harry), then follows the wise advice of Five (Luna) and finds true love with Three. (Yayoi)" What title would you give this fic? Name three people on your friends list who might read it. Name one person who should write it.

Intergalactic Insanity? Or The Crossover From HELL. Luna as matchmaker amuses me, but really, SHE's the one who belongs with Yayoi. Poor Leia.

I think Yubs would read it. And Sunny probably would, though she'd "Lord!" at every Leia pairing. And Hannah definitely would.

Bri should write it. Because her Leia/Harry thing on IM last night made me die laughing.

25. How would you feel if Seven/Eight (Sam/Lupin) was canon?

Sam/Lupin? Weirded out, since they're not from the same fandom, and like I said earlier, the HP books EXIST in WaT. But they would probably work out for a while, since Lupin would be pretty understanding to her issues (more than Martin anyway), and she's slutty enough to not mind doing a werewolf.

without a trace, shippiness, harry potter, meme, star wars, pretear, alias

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