[fic; crossover] Matter of Opinion

Jan 24, 2010 16:42

Title: Matter of Opinion
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts/House, M.D.
Characters: Roxas, Dr. Robert Chase
Rating: G
Word Count: 354
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the franchises or series posted about here nor am I making any profit from my works.
Prompt: ‘I am not shallow.’ ; requested by lorei
Summary: Chase doesn't quite like having his faults pointed out to him.
Originally Posted: ? - date unknown
Notes: Another old drabble. This one I don't dislike as much, though.

It wasn’t like he had never been called shallow before. And he’d gotten to the point where it didn’t really matter anymore. It was one thing to be called shallow by someone like House, but to be called shallow by a kid who looked like he should still be in elementary school? Was really, really irritating.

“I am not shallow,” he mumbled, flipping through the papers on his clipboard. “What are you doing here, anyway? Where are your parents?”

Roxas didn’t answer the doctor’s questions; he merely continued to watch him fiddle with his paperwork behind the counter. “Does anyone actually believe you when you say it like that?” he drawled, arms sprawled across the counter.

“Are you here to visit someone?” Chase asked, changing the conversation topic once more in hopes that the kid would go bother someone else (perhaps House - the two would get along very well making fun of people, most likely). But, like House, it would take more than that to deter Roxas.

“Look, first off, people can just tell that you’re shallow. That’s how bad you are,” Roxas informed him, shrugging. Chase looked like he was going to interrupt, but Roxas held up a finger in the universal sign for “Wait one sec, I’m not done humiliating you yet.” “Secondly, you just told that man that the nurse who just walked away looked a whole lot better with that ‘boob job.’” One could almost feel the quotes around the last two words.

Chase set down the clipboard as gently as he could and glared at Roxas. “Seriously. Kid. I don’t know who you belong to, but could you please go back to them? You’re disturbing important work.”

Roxas smirked, backing away from the counter to placate the annoyed man. “And if by important work you mean staring over your clipboard at that lady who just walked in, then sure, yeah, I’ll go away.”

Grumbling under his breath, Chase picked his clipboard back up, silently wishing that the kid would get some mysterious disease just so he could have House mess with him. That would get rid of his cockiness.

(challenge) gifts/requests, (character) roxas, (ship) gen, (rating) g, (character) robert chase, ! fanfiction, (fandom) kingdom hearts, (length) 100–600, (fandom) house m.d., (au) crossover

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