Title: Necklace
Fandom: Hey! Say! JUMP
Pairing: Hikaru/Inoo
Rating: PG
Word Count: 153
Disclaimer: No one owns anything~
Note: Dedicated to
Summary: Hikaru has a gift~
“Hey, Inoo?”
When Inoo didn’t hear Hikaru say anything else, he put his textbook down, and turned on the couch to face him.
All of a sudden, he felt lips pressed softly, but firmly against his own. The kiss was over just as quickly as it started, though, leaving Hikaru to turn away with a slight blush, as if looking for something.
“What was…” Inoo began to ask with a smile.
“Here.” Hikaru handed him a small, silver box, “A present. Congratulations on getting accepted into Meiji.”
In the box was a delicate necklace - a red heart with a silver ring around it, on a fine, almost-white chain - a necklace that had caught Inoo’s eye in the window of a small shop a couple days ago when he had been walking home from work. Alone.
“Have you been stalking me again?”
He was answered with a bright grin, and another kiss.
The necklace being refered to is the one Inoo's been wearing lately - There's a good view of it in the April WU scans :Dv
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