So Hard

May 23, 2011 20:05

Using less plastic is so very hard. So very very hard. It is everywhere, I swear. I have been trying my best to use less, but it is so difficult. Basically any time that I want a snack, I can't because all of the snacks that I know of or want are wrapped in plastic. What makes it especially difficult is that the mini fridge that I have is terrible. Things get rock hard inside it and they end up with a terrible taste. This means that I cannot keep leftovers to eat for later in it.
I will admit that there are sometimes that I give in and use something with plastic, just because it is so hard. I definitely am 100% sure however, that I have cut my plastic comsumption at least by half, if not more. I don't drink soda anymore, I don't get bottled water, and I've been eating fruit instead of yogurt or whatever, as I mentioned before. Still, it is terribly hard to avoid.
Especially when your favorite kernel-less caramel popcorn comes wrapped in plastic...

My boyfriend asked me the other day when I am going to stop trying not to use plastic. Was I going to do it when the whole class is over, or just when I don't have to do the project anymore? He seemed really surprised when I told him that this wasn't just a one month type of thing. He really cares about the ocean and would love to do something that involves the ocean and science as a career, although he doesn't think it is very practical, so it surprises me that he doesn't care more about it, especially when the plankton in the water is outnumbered 6:1 by plastics. What also surprised me is that he didn't think that I really cared about it and that I was just picking something to do for my school project, he's wrong though. I do really care about it.

The last thing that I wanted to talk about is the survey results. So far only 17 people have replied, and I'm pretty sure that those are the only replies that I am going to get. I am really disappointed that what I did didn't seem to make a difference. Most people said that they only used a little less plastic, or just the same amount that they always use. Most people also said that they might use less plastic, not that they will. I really don't know how I could have convinced people to really make an effort and try to do it. I guess you can't make someone care about something that they don't, no matter how much that you want them to.

survey, no more plastic

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