Rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated ...

Oct 27, 2008 12:59

Hello all,
Apologies for being absent for a week or so. I'm taking three graduate courses this semester, Statistics, Intro to Graduate Research, and Intro to Graduate Writing. The second two are pass/fail, and not too intensive, but I'm also working full time and taking care of my dad, and Statistics is kicking my butt. Long story short, time has lately been my most precious resource, and not because money is so astoundingly plentiful.

In better news, I reduced my office hours to 32-hrs a week (M,T,Th,F) in hopes of actually getting enough sleep in the near future, so that's a positive step.

So, yeah, since last we saw our hero:

Saturday, 10/18 - Renn Fest! I set aside pretty much the entire day for Festing, and did my best to leave super-early. After a few false starts I finally scooped up Will and headed down. We actually arrived near 11:00, so later than I'd hoped, but still pretty early, and then stayed right up until the end of the pub sing. I saw the Medieval Babes! Awesome. Very awesome. I missed their show last year, so I was absolutely not going to miss it again this year.

I was initially going with Paul the last weekend, and then Sariel and Danielle copped out a few times and wanted to go the last weekend with me, then Loopy decided to come into town for it, then Danika decided to make it a big event and posted a mass facebook invite. Long story short (as if), there ended up being a group of about 30 folks I know wandering the festival grounds. There were upwards of 5 separate groups of people with whom I particularly wanted to spend time or vice-versa, so I ended up spending a lot of the afternoon herding metaphorical cats. Have you ever tried to get three separate groups of independently-minded people, all carrying on three distinct conversations, to walk in the same direction at the same speed? There should be prizes.

Still, a fun time was had by all, and I in particular had a blast. I sang my heart out at the pub sing, and am reasonably satisfied that I've filled my Ren Fair jones for at least a month or six.

Sunday, 10/19 - Mostly working on my Statistics, though I also had a paper due for Graduate Research. I did take a break for a few hours in the afternoon and visit Girlville for a game day with C & L and a whole crowd of their peeps. I didn't stay as long as I'd have liked to (stupid grad-school), but I did have a great time. The girls themselves were fairly preoccupied with all the company, but they know charming people. ( c ; Really should have slept more than I did, but I played a video game for a few hours after dinner, rather than proofing and finishing my paper, so sleep got sacrificed to the god of procrastination. Yay.

Monday, 10/20 - Office during the day. After dinner I met Kelley up at Teaism in Dupont for linner. To be honest, had I remembered that she's vegetarian, I'd have suggested somewhere else. Teaism is great, but I'm not a fan of their veggie option. Tea was good, though. Afterwards I walked her back to her car in Adams Morgan. Glad I made the time. It's always good to catch up. ( c ;

Tuesday, 10/21 - Work. After work was homework. Paul stopped by and hung out for an hour or so in the evening, which was nice. He lives in Balt. these days, so it's a bit more of a treat when he's able to stop by and just chill for a few.

Wednesday, 10/22 - My first scheduled day off. Stayed home and did homework, mostly. I did go to a couple of job fairs and a Teach For America briefing as well. Evening was dancing. My instructor, Olga, is trying to hard-sell me on making a longer-term committment to Arthur Murray, and in particular on dancing in the showcase. I appreciate her commitment, and she really is quite sweet, but I'm not at all sure I'm going to for it. I'm loving the dancing, but time is something I really haven't got at present, and Arthur Murray is hella expensive. *sigh* At least I still have a few weeks of lessons left to think it over. I don't suppose anyone reading this is local and decent at latin dancing, are they? I really need to find a cheaper way to Mambo. And Swing. And Salsa-dance. Why did I ever stop making time for dancing again?

Thursday, 10/23 - Work. Met an old friend for drinks downtown. Didn't stay long because I was feeling poor and time-crunched. Meant to get to bed early, but instead stayed up late chatting online with a friend in Japan.

Friday, 10/24 - Work. Went to a party in VA with 'Nika, which was awesome. My demon costume keeps getting more complicated, and I've not been getting motivated to finish it. I'm going to leave the shoes for last, since they need the most work and can only be worn outside, but I still have a little bit of wiring and sewing left to do on the shades and tail. I really need to finish that thing. Anyhow, I improv'ed a ronin costume using my wakizashi, a brightly colored samurai-themed top open across the chest, a matching headband, some spiky hair, and some body paint to make me look like I'd been out in the jungle. It was last-minute, and it showed, but I was relatively pleased with the overall effect. There was dancing, and good conversation, and beer. I got home near 4 am. It was a good thing.

Saturday, 10/25 - Stayed home doing classwork. Lots of studying, working online with the group for my first big class project, lots of statistics homework, etc ...

Sunday, 10/26 - Stayed home. Statistics are evil. Did get sleep. Even took a nap in the afternoon. ( c ;

Monday, 10/27 - Work, which I'm at now. If I'd remembered how much typing I had to do this afternoon, I'd probably have donated blood later in the day. Otherwise, just grand. Busy week ahead, as I have plans pretty much every night this week. I feel like imitating a comedian I saw on The Daily Show a few weeks ago - "There's way too many parties! Why are there so many parties? The brochure said there would only be a few parties. This is WAY too many parties!"

So, um, yeah. There you have it. All the news what's fit to print. Hey, quit whining! I said it was fit to print. I made no promises about reading it. Silly people, haven't you learned better than that by now?

Stay tuned for our next thrilling episode: "A statistic too far" or "Why is that man striking his computer with that crowbar?"

All my best,
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