Sep 06, 2010 20:54
Hello LJ peeps...
Mostly on here cuz i need to vent kinda and thought i would try on here... though i doubt i'll really update about much... cuz no one really reads this and haven't really said anything on here in forever so lots of ground to cover...
So summer is basically over.. in many ways i'm SO glad... work was insane all summer... quite stressful.. though now with the summer rush over it's gonna be boring... and I'll be working mostly manager shifts.. i went from one a week... to 3.. and now it's 4 or 5 a week... sigh.. .so that means a LOT less dog interaction.. and more stress with dealing with the public and money and dealing with annoying customers and coworkers... a lot more pressure to make sure shit goes right... i know i overthink things but as manager i'm even WORSE... plus my hours got reduced so i'm actually losing a few bucks a week being manager... sigh.. more stress and less money...
Also the whole going back to school thing didn't happen.. and i tried.. and heard NOTHING.. wtf... so now i gotta work harder to try to get into other schools then deal with all the money shit that comes with that... plus STILL don't have a car.. if i had like 1 or 2 grand in cash more... i would be SO much better off.. i just don't want a piece of shit car... but i'm getting desperate... plus mother is STILL looking for a house... it just seems like everything is in motion but nothing is finished... i'm still waiting and searching for answers...
Summer was overall... i guess a waste.. nothing that amazing happened.. went to a show or 2... some fun in june... went to PA for 2 nights.. but mostly it was working and trying to sort out my life... sadly not much was figured out... well things that were are realizations that make me sad... but let's not go there... let's just say i have low expectations for basically every element of my life... gotta realize i will most likely hafta fight for everything i want and that it'll all be up to me... i'm used to only counting on myself.. it just gets tiring and lonely...
I'm just in a bummed mood.. and feel like i've fucked up things with most of my friends... and just want ONE thing to FINALLY come through... i hate being in this transition period... it'd testing my patience that i don't really have... plus been working quite a few 6 day work weeks which is just stressing me more... i need a break... like NOW...
i should head down south for a bit.. if i had time and money... sigh...
well gotta go... Raw soon... thanks for letting me vent anonymous people....
peace and still breathing and waiting...