I am recording the next batch of four shows for my Saturday night TV series next week, and need guests with expertise in crop circles and the Knights Templars/Holy Grail etc for two of the four shows (the other two shows are now fully booked for guests).
It seems all the "croppies" are out in the fields right now and everyone I have contacted so far is unavailable! I even offered two well known "circle-makers" the chance to come on the show but they declined!
The shows are recorded "as live" in front of a small enthusiastic live audience and filming takes place from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on each day (two shows a day). Next week's recordings are being made in Buckinghamshire UK and guests need to be able to get there under their own steam.
I have changed Directors for the show and am pleased to welcome back my old mate Justin who worked with me at a TV production company I used to run in Bedfordshire, so really looking forward to working with him again!
The show airs on the exciting and vibrant new TV channel Edge Media Television which is a free-to-view station on Sky (Channel 211) on Saturday nights at 8 p.m. (Repeated Mondays at 8 p.m.) Early reaction to the show has been excellent - people seem to really like it.
This coming Saturday's show features a host of guests from the Now THAT'S Weird Conference in Glastonbury, and contains a controversial statement from former MI5 officer ANNIE MACHON who says that she left MI5 after what she describes as a "state-sponsored terrorism plan to assasinate Colonel Gaddafi". She also tells of a CIA/MI6 plot to make Mohammed Al-Fayed look foolish so that no-one would take his claims that Princess Diana was murdered, seriously! Tune in at 8 p.m. Saturday.
Other guests on the shop this Saturday include Prof JJ & Dr Desiree Hurtak (The Academy of Future Science), Trevor Jones and Dr Liz Williams (Witchcraft Ltd), Nick Pope (former UK government UFO investigator), Ian R Crane (Conspiracies investigator) George Lockett (healer and intuitive) and Paola Harris (UFO investigator)
Off to man the Now THAT'S Weird shop in Glastonbury now - so do pop in and say hello if you are around town!
http://www.nowthatsweird.co.ukJoin in the chat on the Edge Media TV forum at