33 days 19hours 42 mins till we can end this town run.

Jun 20, 2009 16:16

It's been quite a while since I've had an update.
I prefer the light and fluffy updates.
I've read back on some of my other updates and well you get the idea.
It appears an update is in order.

Most people have news, sometimes it's a good news bad news kinda deal. This is one of those times. First? The Bad News? The Good News?
Bad news first methinks.
I wont be fighting this war. Heavy nor Light combat. I'm having a few issues regarding my back at the moment. Traction has been attempted, no dice. Next stop "Pain Management" the details of which are kinda squicky for some- so no details here :) save one detail come war time I should "Feel" like fighting. but uhmm. No.

New Pennsic Battle Cry: "I Cant Fight In the Morning!" or "I aint gotta Fight in the Morning!"
perhaps a syllable count is in order to settle score?

enough of the bad.

Now some good.
I'm at work: (normally I am... it's just one of those things)
Doc says "SGT! have you read your list!?"
Me: Hockey Pucks! what did I forget now? (I cant curse at work. there for I get creative. Hockey pucks.. yea remember the kids.)
Doc:" No-you didn't forget anything.. Congratulations Tech Sgt!"

and the rest of the day is a blur. I know I made it thru.. not sure how I did but yeap.

None To Shabby.

#440 out of 7thousand or so.

If you just said to your self "About damn time!"
I says you're damn right!


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