Of rescue rider assets and worry for the weyr

Aug 19, 2006 15:53

Katriel, M'duk, Nolee, sandbar

M'duk, appearing to be 19 Turns old, stands at 6 feet. He has short dark-brown hair that is cut at the upper end of his forehead, and is trimmed close to his head on the sides and back. His eyebrows are slightly bushy, and as dark as his hair. Below them sit emerald green eyes with a touch of hazel, which adds a very sharp look to him. A thin scar, below his right eye, sits at about an inch long, perpendicular to his nose. He is handsome, but his face is somewhat hard. He has a very muscular body, which include large arms and hands. Covering his hands are scars and callouses, obviously caused from manual labor in the past. His skin has a nice base tan, but is not very dark. M'duk's voice is deep as well.
He wears a thin, tighter black cotton shirt that has its sleeves end on his biceps. Hanging about his neck is a decorative silver chain'. On his right sleeve is the patch of the Search and Rescue team, and below that his Dawnsflame badge. Residing above those is his knot, bearing 3 strands. One black, one orange, and one Brown. Usually found over this, however, is a lightweight brown leather riding jacket, bearing the same patch and badge. It's sleeves following all the way to his wrists, embroidered at the cuff with a thin, dual band of orange, and a band of brown. Found on his right hand is a ring, bearing a beautiful stone. Following down he wears dark grey denim pants, of a somewhat loose fit. Pockets are sewn on with black stitch from the inside, by a thin fabric. The pants are held up by a black leather belt donning a bronze buckle, and a small pouch' hangs from it. Covering his feet are black boots, which show signs of wear. Usually leather gloves with the fingers cut out can be seen hanging from a pocket.

Katriel's a young woman of strength and curve that stands just about 5'7" tall. Her skin is more bronze than olive really, and her coloring is set off by hair that's a deep cinnamon/mahogany color. Each of her colors seems enhanced by the sun, her hair being rich with red and gold flames of highlights. It falls to the middle of her back in layered waves when not pulled back at the nape of her neck in a ponytail. Her face is heart-shaped, with high cheekbones and a slightly pointed chin.. the effect almost 'pixie' looking when her hair's back. Her berry-colored lips usually have a bit of a tilted grin, making her look pretty impish at times. Kat's expressive eyes are of an every-changing shade of slate blue, lined in dark lashes and crowned with dark brows, her coloring making them seem all the brighter. It's easy to see she has a little time yet to grow into her looks, the girl barely into her 17th turn, still more 'cute' than beautiful.
Her frame is lush without being excessive. Thick hips with a full bosom and backside give her a rather nice curve. Even the little bit of padding she carries through her mid doesn't make her look fat, but rather plush, a bit of 'baby fat' she's never grown out of. Tempered by toned limbs and nimble feet and hands, she's somewhere between Rubenesque and thin.
Kat's currently wearing about as little as anyone will see her in; a one-piece swimsuit cut high along the leg and very low down her back. Her backside is covered as is her whole front, but not much else. The scoop of the neckline lets a bit of her cleavage show, but illusions of modesty are broken when you consider the second-skin fit of the piece against her curves. The cloth is fine linen dyed to a very pale turquoise color, the shade standing out amazingly well against her dark skin. In the water, she wears this alone.. but once out of the water she often puts a wrap around of cotton batik at her hips, the pattern of turtles and shells white against a turquoise background. She has on no shoes, and the only accessory she wears is a bracelet made of tiny shells around her right wrist that makes soft sounds when she moves.

Nolee's citron-enhanced highlights offer brightness to hair of dishwater blonde. Of medium-length, it curls at the ends in a helmet-induced tidy flip, but is held back by a pink and tan braided headband, its decorative beads drawing attention to her arched brows and large, expressive brown eyes. Her hands are marred with a crisscross of tiny white scars, and neatly manicured nails sport a pale pink polish but are showing signs of wear.

This heavily tanned, average-height young woman wears a scoop-necked tank top, the filmy coral fabric falling loosely across her narrow shoulders, and a dark tan knee-length skirt which does little to mask her generous hips. The outfit is dressed up with a loose belt of thin material, glinting with several shades of salmon, orange, and pink beadwork. One shoulder bears an oil-shined knot in Istan black and orange, a strand of gold woven in. Simple leather sandals and toes brushed with pink complete the ensemble. Though the weather lines in her heavily freckled complexion make her look older, Nolee has lived 21 Turns, 7 months, and 19 days.


Katriel nods at M'duk's comment about his schedule and laughs. "Aye.. Gus said he was glad his wing was keeping me busy, that way I couldn't get too underfoot." she smikes, her eyes dancing impishly. Looking up as she hears someone else approach, her eyes wash across the other woman and offers her a little nod of greeting.

M'duk laughs at Katriel, who is sitting on the stairs into the sandbar next to M'duk. He takes a sip from his mug, "Well, he's keepin' us busy too, so I guess he doesn't discriminate against friends." A smirk is given.

Nalaieth's landing outside the sandbar is particularly noisy, the queen bugling brassily. Moments pass, then the splashing in the water can be seen from the sandbar, a set of diaphanous wings spanning most of the bar's front view. Shortly after, Nolee wanders in, carrying her shoes in her hands and brushing sand-throw from her face and hair. "Disaster. It's a wonder we haven't crash landed. You're not a blue, you know," is hollered out the open end of the sandbar before she composes herself and smiles innocuously, as though she hadn't just shouted out the entryway. "Hi," she calls, customarily jutting herself right in. "Who is underfoot?"

Katriel is sitting beside M'duk on a set of stairs facing the beach. Eyes wide as she watches the Golden draon, she breaks out in goosebumps despite the heat. Her awe's almost comically easy to read in her features. She looks up at Nolee and quickly schools her expression, offering her a little smile as she nods her head.. "Good day."

M'duk laughs outloud as Nalaieth makes her landing. As Nolee approaches he stands up with a salute. "Troubling you again, is she Ma'am?" He looks to Katriel, noting her facial expressions. "This is Katriel, Ma'am."

Nolee considers the stairway, then considers her hips, chews at her lip for a moment, then glances toward a nearby chair, looking back to giggle at Katriel. "Are you all right? Your eyes look like you've just seen a pink-dotted wherry." She follows Katriel's line of sight, sighing as Nalaieth shows off for her audience by diving and making a splash that soaks a nearby sunning green, and nods to M'duk. "Oh, her. As usual, yes. Don't mind her. She probably can't splash us this far away. Well met, Katriel," she pipes. "I'm Nolee. And how's yours treating you, Draeth, right?"

M'duk nods. "Draeth." He pulls on his jacket, the one that was given to him by Nolee. "He's fine, as can be atleast." He watches the gold show off in the waters, laughing as she soaks the green. "He does his usual trick flying every now and then, but that's pretty much it." A shrug.

Nolee echoes the curtsy, her grace mostly absent though well-intentioned. A smile for the jacket, as it is familiar, and a warm consideration for her mentee. "That's good. He's very talented at it. You're a Search and Rescue member, aren't you? I can never remember what the patch looks like for sure."

Katriel comes back over to the two and rests her hand on M'duk's arm for his attention when there's a pause. When one comes she looks at him and smiles. "I have to be going. I promised to help in the kitchens for dinner. Be well and I'll see you around." she says with friendly warmth, looking to nod to Nolee again.

M'duk nods as a finger goes up to point at the correct patch. "Yep, this is the one." He looks at himself too, "Gus actually just took over-" He pauses as someone taps him to get his attention. Looking over his shoulder, "Alright, take care." He smiles and looks back to Nolee.

"She's very motivated, isn't she? Jays, keeping her promises for work help and everything?" Nolee looks after Katriel as she goes, considering the potential there for help with various tasks, then looks back at M'duk, leaning over closer to admire the patch. "Ooh, he did?" She considers, then directly inquires, "You think he'll be as good as M'yr, at leading it?"

M'duk nods as Nolee speaks and Katriel wanders off. "Aye, she is." He takes a drink as she admires the patch. As she asks her question, M'duk pauses. Eventually, he answers, "They're both good men. And I was a weyrling under G'tive." He stops, "I would say that it'd be an honor to serve under both of 'em, honest. And so I suppose, yes. I think he'll be as good, though we'll miss M'yr." He confirms with a nod.

Nolee seems to remember why she asked in the first place, and ohs softly. "I wanted to be sure, because you and he, you and Draeth, would make a very valuable team, with your experience fixing and building things and his skills in the air." She brushes her hair back where it's slipped from the headband, and smiles, studying him as he considers. "Good, that's a good answer. I'm glad of it. For it."

M'duk can't help but smile at the compliment. "Thank you, Ma'am." He looks out to the ocean, then back to Nolee. "Guess that's why M'yr wanted me to join up in the first place. For the handyman skills." He sighs, taking another drink from his mug. "Hopefully, though, we won't need to find out anytime soon."

Nolee follows M'duk's glance to the water, where Nalaieth has vanished from view, likely playing chase-the-greens-and-blues and be left behind. "Are you interested in it, though? Or did you say yes mostly because he persuaded you that your skills could be needed?" A soft sigh, and she requests from a server a cup of juice. "It's always easier to be excited about something if you're interested in it."

M'duk shakes his head. "Oh, no don't get me wrong. I love the responsibility and job, I'd just prefer everyone be safe and we aren't needed is all." He looks back towards the direction of the Weyr, now. "I mean..." He starts, taking a moment to pause. "When we went in after Moyra, and got her out alright and everything, it's a real good feeling." His eyes turn back to Nolee, "You know?"

Nolee nods wistfully. "That's a good wish. Less work for you, and everyone else stays more safe." The juice arrives, and Nolee sips at it. "Mmm, goru's ripe. I love the flavor it adds to the other juices." Another drink, a satisfied lip smacking, then a nod. "You all did such a wonderful job rescuing her. I can't imagine that the air in there would've lasted much longer if you hadn't broken through." A shudder. "It'd be very quiet here without her. She's been such a help to me. And Centh -- he'd be lonely!"

M'duk laughs lightly. "Yes, I'd imagine Centh /would/ be a little lonely." Despite the laugh, he looks pretty serious, remaining silent for a few seconds. "That was scary. I was right next to her when it happened. Thank Faranth I wasn't crushed, and that I was able to get out of there and let people know what happened. I guess she's pretty lucky I was a member of the SAR, huh?." His words, as serious as they are, are very quietly stated.

Nolee leans against a support for the bar, steadying herself as the subject is rather somber. "Yes, very," she nods, soberly. "I hadn't heard all the details, that you were so close. I'm very glad you were able to get out. And to call for help, too." A headshake, "It usually seems so peaceful here. It's accidents like that to remind me how fragile things are."

M'duk just nods as Nolee speaks, then considers. "You know, thinking back, I was also one of those caught in here when the rockface came down." He looks over to the wall of the Weyr. "I'm not very lucky with things like that, huh?" He says almost laughing.

M'duk just nods as Nolee speaks, then considers. "You know, thinking back, I was also one of those caught in here when the rockface came down." He looks over to the wall of the Weyr. "I'm not very lucky with things like that, huh?" He says almost laughing.

Nolee looks around, then toward the exterior of the sandbar, worry tugging at her already-lined face. "That's true! Though, there were heaps of other people around. You shouldn't give up on yourself as unlucky yet. Besides, Draeth found you, didn't he? I'd say that's lucky."

M'duk nods after Nolee present her argument. "Good point, I suppose i /am/ lucky, infact. I could just look at it like I made it out of both incidents." A shrug, then back to his mug.

Nolee sips at the juice, contentedly though her brows are bent with worry that is nagging at her. "That is a very good way to look at it! Like, there must be something about you that made you able to escape from harm both times." Nalaieth returns in view, crooning toward the Sandbar, and Nolee laughs and mostly ignores her. "I suppose we should get someone to check things again. The miners, the smiths, the stonemasons, someone who can tell if our temporary holding measures will work long-term. I hate to think people are still afraid to go in the deeper caverns, but I don't blame them."

M'duk smiles at the gold comes into view. "That probably would be a good idea." He pauses a bit after taking a sip. "Everything alright? You just seem a little worried."

Nolee tries to shake off the concern and return to blithe cheeriness, though the mantle of worry clings. "Everything's very well! I just have to remember to help take care of things where I'm supposed to so more people don't get hurt. I forget to do things, sometimes. But I've got a big slate in my weyr where Gree-r writes it all down, so that helps." A little smile. "Now that you're a wingrider, and a Rescue team member and have to practice extra, how do you remember all of what you have to do?"

M'duk shrugs. "My days are so similiar I just get into a groove, you know? Your days probably differ because your dealing with new things every day. I've got drills, bathing, oiling, training. Pretty much it, you know? Oh, and nightly sandbar duty," he says with a laugh.

Nolee nods, thinking on this. "I guess that's so. I don't mind the variation, though. It'd be awfully dull otherwise." She turns toward Nalaieth with her hands on her hips. "What do you waaant?" she impetuously asks of the queen. "Oooh, I'm your friend now that you need oiled. Bet you feel bad for throwing sand up on me, don't you?" She rolls her eyes, laughing. "Of course you don't remember doing that. Wherryhead. If you'll excuse me? Herself needs oil." Giggle.

M'duk laughs as Nolee converses with her gold. "She seems a bit difficult," He says with a laugh. "Good luck," he offers to the goldrider. "And take care, I should be getting back as well." He adds with a smile.

Nolee smiles again to the brownrider, nodding. "She can be. You take care as well!" She finishes the juice and abandons the cup, heading back toward the shore to meet her lifemate.

nolee, katriel, sandbar, m'duk, nalaieth

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