In which Nolee complains about -that woman's- baby, and Moyra nearly bares all for M'duk

Aug 15, 2006 22:36

Ista Beach

Tamina, Moyra, Caitlyn, Jascela, Nolee, M'duk, Ili, Sandbar

(scene joined in progress)

Nolee's first scene with an updated desc
Nolee's citron-enhanced highlights offer brightness to hair of dishwater blonde. Of medium-length, it curls at the ends in a helmet-induced tidy flip, but is held back by a pink and tan braided headband, its decorative beads drawing attention to her arched brows and large, expressive brown eyes. Her hands are marred with a crisscross of tiny white scars, and neatly manicured nails sport a pale pink polish but are showing signs of wear.

This heavily tanned, average-height young woman wears a scoop-necked tank top, the filmy coral fabric falling loosely across her narrow shoulders, and a dark tan knee-length skirt which does little to mask her generous hips. The outfit is dressed up with a loose belt of thin material, glinting with several shades of salmon, orange, and pink beadwork. One shoulder bears an oil-shined knot in Istan black and orange, a strand of gold woven in. Simple leather sandals and toes brushed with pink complete the ensemble. Though the weather lines in her heavily freckled complexion make her look older, Nolee has lived 21 Turns, 7 months, and 3 days.

Ista Beach> Moyra nods her head as she stays in the water, the waves coursing over her knee high. "Yeah, thats what I did with Reyah." She says, smiling as she waves over to Caitlyn. "Hey there, how are you?"

Ista Beach> Glancing at Jascela with a rather sympathetic expression, "Why shouldn't you foster 'em? They get as much-even more--attention than you'd give. All three of mine were fostered, and they turned out all right." Tamina lifts a hand in greeting to Caitlyn.

Ista Beach> Jascela covers her eyes as Kintryth lands, then waves a greeting up toward the new arrivals. "Hey Caitlyn!" She nods to Tamina. "I should start looking for a fostermother..."

Ista Beach> Caitlyn strides over after giving Kint a fond slap on the chest - the blue whuffling breath through his rider's hair - causing Cait to laugh as her runner tail flaps. "You naughty boy!" she calls back to him, then steps up to the others. "I'm pretty good, Moyra. How are you, too? And you, Jas?" A bright grin is given to Tamina, along with a flippant salute, the woman waiting to be introduced.

Ista Beach> Moyra grins over to the gathering blueriders, and she nods emphaticly to Jasc, "Yeah, fostering makes a lot of sense with all the work I did back then, and then add in taking care of Centh, well, its best for her." She notes, and then looks to Caitlyn, "Never met Tamina before?" She asks her, making the introduction.

Ista Beach> Jascela flashes Caitlyn a broad grin. "Tamina was always one of my mentors to Blueness, unofficially at least. And a wonderful drinking companion, if you ever need one."

Ista Beach> An amused smile tugs at Tamina's lips at the sight of Caitlyn's salute, but she nods and remarks in a friendly way, "Gaudiorth's rider. Nice to meet you, Caitlyn." She turns to add to the fostering discussion, "I don't really know anyone looking for a fosterling, but I haven't paid much attention to it for a while. Mine have been grown for turns." At the mention of drinking, Tamina chuckles and says breezily, "Well, I've had plently of practice."

Ista Beach> Caitlyn shakes her head once to Moyra, then turning her attention to the new face. "Well met, Tamina. Like you know already, Caitlyn, Kintryth's rider. For Ista being the smallest Weyr, it still has enough people I haven't met at all, yet." A small hit of laughter at Jascela's words, and Cait bobs her head - looking around at all of you. "Hey Moy, you feeling a little put off by all these blueies surrounding ya?" After a sly wink back to Tamina, Cait simply quiets, listening.

Ista Beach> Moyra grins a touch as she listens in, "Ask Lyss, she might know of someone that can take them in." She says to Jasc, and then laughs. "Oh dear, maybe its not a good idea to let you take me out drinking, might not remember thenight." She says to Tamina. A pause, and hearing Caitlyn, she laughs a little. "Nah, not much." She says, laughing. "Nice to have some attention."

Ista Beach> Jascela hmms thoughtfully and nods a bit to Moyra. "I'll try to have a talk with her sometime soon then. We've still got a while until she's weaned though, so I'm not in a big hurry."

Ista Beach> "That's the purpose of a bar crawl, Moyra. Don't worry, you'll remember enough of it to realize /most/ of what you did. We'll do it soon." Looking from Jascela to Caitlyn, Tamina offers a mischevious smile, "And, if you two would like to come along too, you're welcome too...we'll really make it an event."

Ista Beach> Caitlyn idly shifts the black sand around with a sandal-toe, giving Moyra a wee smirk at her words, then stretching her form out - back arched for a few moments. The soft pops of vertebrae might be faintly heard as the woman groans softly in pleasure - her gaze traveling out over the waters - taking in the scenery. "Oh? Really?! Well, I haven't had a drink at the 'Bar for near a month. I had to start saving up some marks after getting my new weyr put together. Maybe we can even have a nice game of dragonpoker or something." A sudden, wide grin slides over her face. "I wonder if Lirit's weyrmate'll show up again. Hee. Crazy Harper."

Ista Beach> Moyra watches the others, and hearing the offers of trips, and poker games, she grins a bit. Wading back to shore, swimming being forgotten for the moment. "They all sound like fun, so, when are we doing it all?"

Ista Beach> Jascela grins broadly and nods to Tamina. "I'm certainly game for a good bar crawl. Have only had one good drunk since I got pregnant last time." She giggles and nods. "I like her Weyrmate... I'd love to see him again."

Ista Beach> Moving to retrieve her sandals, which she had left on the sand earlier, Tamina tosses her hair back, "I'm not really for bar hopping tonight, I've really sweeps tomorrow. But, the next time it's so hot we can't stand it, a cool drink or ten will feel good." Lifting a hand to the others, "I'm off to bed early."

Ista Beach> Caitlyn waves to Tamina as she leaves, still smiling. "Well, as soon as possible, I hope. We want you to have fun before your next Flight pregnancy, Jas." A playful gigle, and a wink to her fellow bluerider.

Jascela waves after Tamina as she departs, then laughs and grins at Caitlyn. "I think I'm due at least an occasional night of drunken debauchery, now don't you?"

Moyra laughs as she hears the comments from Caitlyn as Tamina leaves, and she grins. "Yes, that would be a shame if it happened too soon for you to have some fun." She says to Jasc.

Nolee arrives, passing Tamina as she makes her way along the beach. Flowers are strewn in her hair, and she hums a bawdy tune with a few words tossed in here and there as she remembers them, the rest filled in with hmmm-mmms. "Whose having fun?" she pipes in, overhearing just the end of the conversation.

"Sounds sharding fun to me!" Cait replies to Jascela, grinning hugely - one might almost say liscentously. We ought to invite Gerand, too - he was mostly plowed under last time I saw him." A rolling laugh issues from the smith, and she then overhears Nolee arriving, grinning widely at the goldrider. "Just us! Come join in - we're thinking about a drunken rampage through The Sandbar!"

Jascela grins broadly over at the arriving Goldrider. "Yes, we're hoping to have some fun. Would you like to come join us for some drinks too?"

Nolee pauses, hesitating. "Gerand? Isn't he the harper? I hadn't heard he got run over by a plow." She wrings her hands, a few of the flowers slipping to the ground. "I hope he's able to recover. He remembers heaps of important harpery things I'm just sure people wouldn't know without him." She glances toward the trio, two thirds of which are blueriders, her lips wringing all up. "Can I be an honorary bluerider, too? Even if," and this last is whispered, "Nalaieth isn't as fast as them?"

Caitlyn giggles loudly at Nolee, then rolling her eyes a bit. "It was a turn of phrase, Nolee. Plowed under as in drunk. And yeah, Gerand seems quite good at it." Cait stoops to pick up a few flowers off the hot sand, handing them back to the goldrider. "Jays, yeah. I vote Nolee into the honorary bluie wing! What about you, Jas?" A sott giggle.

Jascela giggles at Nolee and rolls her eyes for a moment as Caitlyn explains the meaning of her comment about Gerand. "Well, if you were anyone else, I'm not sure, but I think we can let you pretend to be a Bluerider for now at least. As long as you match us with drinks properly, of course." SHe winks tauntingly at Nolee.

Nolee sheepishly dips her head, "I knew that," she pretends, momentarily haughtily sticking her chin up into the air. "He shouldn't drink so much." Nolee takes the flowers back with a smile and a little clumsy curtsy of a bow that causes more to slip from her hair, then she tucks the ones from Caitlyn back into the dark blonde locks, willing them to stay on grace alone. "Match you? I only drink Weyrlings, though. I don't like headaches." She starts toward the sandbar, happy enough to join the party regardless. "I can cheer real loud, though." One must make up for one's faults somehow.

"It *is* a high honor," Cait drawls archly back to Jascela, trying very hard not to giggle even louder, then winking at Nolee. "Yes, and at least some drinking is necessary - even if you nurse one the whole night, gal. We won't try to purposely plow you under." She realizes where the goldrider is heading, and chirps up quickly, "Not *now*, Nolee. We were thinking of meeting for a drinking and gaming eve as soon as Tamina and we can meet up." A wave to the arriving Draeth and M'duk is given.

Kintryth warbles to Draeth, then resuming his usual lazing place on the warm sand.

Jascela tsks at Caitlyn as she stops Nolee. "Well, who says we can't go try our own practice run tonight?" She sighs at Nolee and shrugs. "Well... Weyrlings aren't much fun, at least as drinks..."

Nolee ceases her jaunt toward the Sandbar and re-approaches the women, giggling softly. "Oh. I didn't realize. The greenrider, my mentee? Naijath's. She always wants to go right away to the sandbar, so I thought you meant now, too." Caitlyn only gets a momentary frown for suggesting she get plowed under before Nolee recalls she just heard the explanation for that one, and it doesn't mean harmed directly, then she laughs like she gets the joke even if she doesn't. As another flower falls, she explains, "I learned to make flower chains. Only I'm not very good at it because my flowers keep unchaining. Oooh, have you done other things with them? That's not allowed." Finger shake.

Draeth, who has M'duk on his back, lazily swoops down from the sky. A circle around the group below, and the brown slows his descent, bring him and his rider to an eventual soft landing. After a dozen large dragon-steps, M'duk slides down from dragonback, waving to the group as he does. "Hey there!" He seems cheary tonight. Maybe it's the mug in his hand?

Caitlyn grins broadly at Jascela, then nodding mock-sagely at her observation. "Weyrlings have to be clean of everything, given so many of them are mostly looney in the head for near two Turns." A rough snicker, and she then smiles at Nolee. "Well, *if* we all want to try a test run now, i'll not stop us. Oh, who'd you learn to weave from? You know, we still need to have a crafting afternoon to ourselves, Nolee... Oh shells!" she suddenly blurts, diverted from her drinking train of thought by a particular realization. Tapping the goldrider's shoulder politely, Cait tries to draw her a touch away from the growing crowd - then murmuring in her ear.

Caitlyn mutters to Nolee, "... Fort Weyr for a short... days... to... word... sorry... hasn't... see you... Weyr,... having... to... almost... to... you... that... that... Shimshon... is..."

Caitlyn whispers "I was at Fort Weyr for a short visit a few days ago. M'yr asked me to give you word that he's sorry he hasn't been able to see you much. Running the Weyr, and having Soldreth refusing to leave his eggs leaves him almost no time. BUT, he did want to ask you if you'd go along with him to that upcoming Craft faire that Master Shimshon is hosting."

Moyra comes out of the water, and looks over to where Centh wandered out of sight, and catches the comments of going drinking tonight in the sandbar. "Room for a brownie to join in the fun?" She asks, smiling as she looks to the bar itself.

Nolee waves to M'duk, hailing him over brightly. "They do? I think most of them still smell, though they can't help it." She stage-whispers, "I think it's the barracks." Sage nod. "Test run? D'you have one of M'yr's contraptions to try? He left heaps of them behind, for rescuing practice. We could try to run one down the beach?" Then she ohs, "Taught me? An auntie at Red Sands, turns and turns ago--whaat?" She allows Caitlyn to tug her aside, brown eyes wide. A series of faces follow before she returns to the group.

You whisper "He's sorry? Mmmhmm. I heard he might have other reasons for being so busy. And ugh! Did you say Slipshod? He just gives me the creeps. Do I have to go at all? Mmmph, I probably do. Tell him...tell him I don't...well, I'll tell him myself. No sense making you the messenger all the time. Besides, Soldreth can bespeak Nalaieth from there. He's proven it, with that nonsense about the baby." to Caitlyn.

M'duk hears Moyra's words. "Always room for a brownie!" He grins as he continues walking towards the group on the sand. "M'yr's contraptions?" A definate shudder takes hold of the rider. "Get them out of here." He jests. "Good evening all, someone say something about the sandbar?" M'duk asks with a raised mug.

Caitlyn mutters to Nolee, "... he... bad about... Yeah,... for offering... -... little... being... carrier in... my..."

Caitlyn whispers "I think he said he felt a little bad about it. Yeah, Slipshod. And thanks for offering to talk to him - I feel a little odd being a message carrier in *this* circumstance. He...Sol told Nala about the baby? Oh my..."

Caitlyn makes her own, more subtle faces back at Nolee before they both rejoin the group, adding in a large shrug and a rather clueless look as she raises bent arms up - palms also up in the perennial gesture of 'I have no idea.' She doesn't look particularly relaxed for a few moments, sighing a little.

Moyra gives a soft bah as she hears M'duk, or rather, doens't get a reaction from him over her new duds. She laughs over the comment on contraptions, and laughs. She sees the whispering between Caitlyn and Nolee, and triesnot to look obvious that she wants to hear whats being whispered.

Nolee also waves to Draeth, making a sad face his way, her lips drawn down at the edges. "He can't fit in there with us. At least, he'd better not try. Last one who did that tore big holes in the rush shelter. He could've just peeked in from the surf, but nooo." A headshake, then a glance toward Caitlyn. "Tacky, isn't it?" is almost blase, an unexplained, before she smiles. "But he had some in mind that sounded fun! A water-basket, or something...I forget the details. But it sounded fun! Even if it was really for work."

Moyra stands at about 5'4" in height and is graced with a frame that's in good shape for her age, which might be guessed at around 20 turns. Skin with light pigmentation suggests a primarily indoor employment but not exclusively. A light touch of a tan is starting to form on the pale skin, but seems to be taking its time. Two vibrant hazel eyes are set into that round oval face. Hair the colour of ashwood matches her eyes neatly and hangs about her shoulders in a cluttered mass. Her body, possessing the curves that please the eye and which are barely covered as she seems to be out for a swim or some sort of activity where swimming the goal. A simple vivid purpleish pink top and bottom, allmost immodest in cut and design is what she has on, and when she isnt actually swimming, a large tan towel is wrapped around her waist much like a skirt.

Rich, heavy waves of cool-toned brunette locks ripple thickly - even when restrained by the runner tail which finds rest between her shoulders. A wispy line of smooth bangs sweep across her high forehead from right to left, blending into the luxuriant mane. When the weather gets humid, her carefully groomed tresses can be seen to whorl and curl at both the top and ends, causing the woman a certain amount of annoyance when it dares to tickle her high cheekbones or get in her eyes. An open, yet unconsciously seductive oval face is set with heavy-lidded, golden-brown eyes that seem to smile and laugh easily, arching dark brows swept up above them. Her nose is straight and strong, though not large at all, and her jaw is firm, and just a touch on the square side - though fitting very well into her features. Sensual lips of muted rose stand out against her moderately tanned skin, adding a southern tang to her good looks. The column of her throat is strong and arching, the pulse of her life thudding deeply within.
Dressed in her dragonriding leathers, Cait cuts a rather sexy figure, though she seems unaware of it. A long, grey scarf of sisal is wound about her neck to protect her throat from the elements, and tucked securely inside her jacket. Her thick, black leather jacket is tailored to snug her hourglass waist well - lined with thick, grey fur against the ultra-cold of *between*. Metal fasteners glint a bright argent, and at the jacket's left breast is a design of a flying dragon silhouette. The wide, d-ring equipped riding belt at her waist leads down to well-fitting, black leather pants - tucked neatly into black wherhide boots which reach just below her knee - their arches each topped with a single, gleaming buckle of argent - matching the jacket perfectly.
Beneath the fringe of her bangs lurk thin, twin parallel white lines - healed tokens of her bloodbond with Kintryth.
Caitlyn is around 5'2", and 22 Turns, 3 months, and 7 days old.

M'duk, appearing to be 19 Turns old, stands at 6 feet. He has short dark-brown hair that is cut at the upper end of his forehead, and is trimmed close to his head on the sides and back. His eyebrows are slightly bushy, and as dark as his hair. Below them sit emerald green eyes with a touch of hazel, which adds a very sharp look to him. He has a thin scar, below his right eye, about an inch long perpendicular to his nose. He is handsome, but his face is somewhat hard. He has a very muscular body, which include large arms and hands. Covering his hands are scars and callouses, obviously caused from manual labor in the past. His skin has a nice base tan, but is not very dark. M'duk's voice is deep as well.

He wears a thin, tighter black cotton shirt that has its sleeves end on his biceps. On the top-back part of the shirt, under his neck, is the symbol of Ista Weyr. His younger sister (who is an apprentice weaver) sewed orange thread into the black material, leaving the black parts alone. It looks quite neat as well, and is small, only about an inch from corner to corner. On his right sleeve is the patch of the Search and Rescue team, and above it is his knot, bearing 3 strands. One black, one orange, and one Brown. Following down he wears dark grey denim pants, of a somewhat loose fit. Pockets are sewn on with black stitch from the inside, by a light fabric. The pants are held up by a black leather belt donning a bronze buckle. Covering his feet are black boots, which show signs of wear. Usually leather gloves with the fingers cut out can be seen hanging from a pocket, as he used to do a lot of manual labor and is used to their presence.


M'duk looks back over his shoulder as Nolee speaks to his brown. Draeth bugles loudly towards the goldrider. His rider grins as he looks back to the group, eyes landing on Moyra. Moments pass by as he seems quite distracted, then snaps back. "Oh, um. He doesn't like to drink anyway." A grin tries to hide his evil eyes.

Caitlyn grins over to M'duk - giggling a little at all the talk about Draeth and nosey dragons in the 'Bar. At first, Cait rolls her eyes just a little at Nolee's following words...but slowly, the smith becomes less 'interactive' as a slight frown of confusion settles over her features. She treis to recover from the area of affliction to her braincells with a small, "Well, maybe we should go to the Sandbar, after all this thirsty talk.

Moyra nods her head as she hears a few comments about getting a drink or three, and she smiles as she sees the look she gets from M'duk, and she winks to him, "Don't you think a drink is the right idea about now?" She asks her fellow brownrider, and looks once more to pair conspiring over something, "You two gonna tell us what you all are going on about?" She asks, smiling.

Jascela returns from caring for a dragon emergency, an /itch/. She's shaking her head ruefully, even though it makes her huge earrings swing quite a lot beneath her ears. With an indulgent sigh she comments, "Ahh, how would dragons /ever/ survive without us to soothe itchy shoulders..."

"That's good," Nolee calls to M'duk, rather loud as the brown's bugle is still ringing in her ears. "It'd take a lot of drinking to appease a dragon. I'm not sure we have that much in the whole weyr. Temperance is best, Draeth," comes with a prescriptive tone, just in case he might be thinking about it anyway. "Sure! I could use a weyrling. I hope they've unmelty ice." Her voice emotionless, she nods to Moyra, "Sure, if there's anyone in Pern who doesn't already know." Then she turns on her heel and marches, feet slipping in the sand, toward the sandbar, leaving them to follow. "Might have a drink after all."

The Sandbar

Willowy. That is perhaps the best way to describe this fifteen year old young woman. Of above avearage height for her age (She's already nearing 5'9"), her whole form seems to be one long curved line from the tip of her midnight shaded locks down to her smallish feet. That hair helps to frame a face just coming into womanhood. Long lashes do nothing to hid her expressive blue-silver eyes and her slender buttonish nose only serves to enhance her bow shaped mouth.
She is wearing a simple square necked blue dress that is loose enough around her slight curves to give the girl some sense of comfort. Flaring slightly at her hips, most of the material of the dress is taken up by the pleated half skirt that ends midway down, leaving her legs bare from the calf down. Around her feet she wears a simple pair of sandals to help keep the hot sand off.

As the crowd files into the 'Bar, Cait purses her lips a little at Moyra, then shaking her head a bit. "It's private - sorry Moyra... Oh." A small expletive is all the comes from her mouth as Nolee decides otherwise - and the smith appears a little ill-at-ease.

M'duk grins only a bit shyly as he sees that Moyra has caught his gaze. "A drink would be great," he moves aside, allowing the women to enter before him. "I guess me and Moyra /are/ the only ones who don't know then?" He takes a swig from his mug.

Moving from person to person to make sure that each person gets what they ordered at the bar, Ili grins at each person and then she groans as she sees a few more. "Oh that's good." She mumps, "Ah well. Welcome everyone!"

Nolee marches right up to the bar, squinting at a slate where the menu options for the day are printed. "I don't know what to order. What does everyone else like?" Noting the barmaid's moving from table to table, Nolee turns about and finds a good place to sit with several extra seats, and plops down unceremoniously. "You could be. Soldreth broadcast it to every dragon he could reach, Nala said. You must've been between not to have heard him yelling his fool head off."

Jascela heads into the bar along with the rest of the group of Riders. She flashes Ili a smile and waves as she spies the bartender. "Good evening!" She follows Nolee to a table and sits beside her.

Caitlyn plunks her butt on Nolee's other side, rather quiet for now - waving some fingers at Ili as she recognizes her from the previous night's meeting. "Uhm, I like the slushy-type drinks, or the smooth ones. Smooth going down and in the mouth, that is."

Moyra nods her head to Caitlyn, and she nods, "Well, if it is, then don't worry about it." She says to her, and with a pleased smile at the sight of the blush on M'duk's face, she makes a heading for the bar herself, picking a spot with a empty seat next to her.

And, having had a few already himself, is apparently buying tonight. He fills that seat next to Moyra, motioning for the 'keep. He holds up the same slate Nolee was looking at. "This one alright for everyone!?"

"Hello everyone." Ili says as she brushes herself off and then she looks between the others and blushes at Jascela. "Heya Jas." She giggles, before she turns back to the others. "What would everyone like?" She wonders.

"I've only had the weyrlings," Nolee explains impatiently to Caitlyn, "So you'll have to tell the 'tender a name, cause otherwise we could just point to something. I'll buy; I get marks for rememberizing names and pictures of ugly people and I did good this sevenday." Resting her elbow on the table, Nolee sighs as Moyra heads off, her eyes scanning the brownrider from behind. "Wish I looked that good in a swimsuit. Maybe he'd like me better then and not go off with -her- just because she's having his baby. And because she mind controls him."

Jascela gives Caitlyn and M'duk a curious look as she M'duk's blush. She leans back in her seat though to relax, looking back at Ili with a grin. "Well, much as I'd love something strong, I think I should just stick with a Weyrling tonight too..."

Moyra notes Nolee's look as well, and someone is in a cheery mood as she winks to the goldrider, "You might, have to try it out sometime. I didn't think I would ever get theidea to wear something like this a sevenday ago." She admits to Nolee, and then smiles to M'duk, "A cider? And do you like it as well?"

Caitlyn picks up that blush and Moyra's smile back at M'duk, happy to have something else to concentrate on for the moment. "Huh?" is her witty comment to M'duk offering to buy, then transferred to Nolee. "Oh, thanks Nolee." To Ili, she murmurs, "I'll have the Fruity Iced Klah, please."

M'duk is caught by Moyra's question in mid-buy. "You'd like a cider?" He notices Nolee's offer to buy as well. "Ma'am, I insist. Consider it a thanks for the mentoring." He turns to Ili, and leans in to whisper. "Don't let Nolee pay." A wink follows after.

"Filling out a swimsuit is not everything." Ili tells to Nolee, giggling at her gently. "Look at me. I'm too tall, too thing, and all of that." She looks over at M'duk and shrugs at him before she nods. "Alright." Her eyes turn back to ther others. "Welll what does everyone else like?" She hms. "Weyrlings, a Cider, and what else/" She wonders, blushing again at Jas.

Nolee waves to M'duk with a smile, not hearing his whisper to deny her the turn. "Aww! That's very kind of you. I feel like I hardly helped at all, but appreciate your thoughtfulness. Extra rounds all around," she agrees, looking first at her own hips, patting the extra flesh that wouldn't nearly fit in the tiny strips of cloth that coat the brownriding female. She looks at Moyra quizzically. "What's different about a sevenday ago? You can't be proddy, unless Centh's, well, something, I don't know what. Jays," she notes Ili's coloring, "What's with all the blushing, anyway?"

Moyra beams a smile to M'duk as he takes her order, and then laughs as she hears Nolee's question, and shakes her head, "No, he doesn't get that way." She says, and then pauses, "I was finally convinced to let loose andhave fun, and not get all caughtup with all the hides and all the duties I insisted on helping out with."

Jascela looks back and forth between Moyra, Nolee, and Ili, flashing the bargirl a smile. "Everyone's body is different. Nothing wrong with different." She giggles softly and winks at Ili as she spies the young girl's blush.

Caitlyn simply settles back lazily into her seat, content for now to watch and listen to everyone around her - enjoying the comradeirie. "Mph, I have to watch out not to get *too* curvy," she mutters at Jascela's words.

Ili blushes once again before she looks over towards Caitlyn. "You had the Fruity Klah, right?" She asks getnly before she looks back over at Caitlyn. "Hum? Too Curvy?" She wonders.

M'duk just grins at all the talking of filling in bathing suits. "Last time I tried to fill one in, it didn't exactly work." He takes some marks out from his pocket. "I'll just have an ale if I could." He asks Ili politely. "Please." Sitting back against the bar, he surveys the group.

Caitlyn nods in only slight embarrassment to Ili, patting her tummy and hips. "Yeah, fat. I used to be...really fat. Oh, yes, that's the right drink," she adds quickly. Her eyes flick up to M'duk, watching him as he seems to watch everyone else.

Jascela grins over at Caitlyn and winks at her. "I bet you your Wingleader won't let you rest long enough to have to worry about that happening. Not for a very long time at least." She grins up at Ili and shrugs a bit. "My Weyrmate's not exactly very curvy either. Tall and slim, much like you."

Nolee waits, listening to each speaker, her eyes jumping about the bar from familiar face to familiar face, intent. But there isn't an answer for her question, so she repeats it. "Why's everyone blushing?" she plaintively whines. "Well, not now. But they were."

Caitlyn gives a soft "Thank you," to Ili, then smiling a little at Jascela. "Well, if Gus keeps sending me all over Pern to locate things, i'll have to agree with you, Jas." At Nolee's whine, Cait peers over to the woman, quirking her head. "I don't know. Ask 'duk?"

Moyra hrms, and shrugs, "Dunno, I'm not blushing." she says, and she smiles as she sips at her cider, inhaling as she nods her head, "Love cider, not harsh and nasty like most drinks."

Ili moves back some as she goes off to help the other people around the Sandlot and she works along before she turns back to the other table. "Oh, there... how is everythign?" She asks, giving M'duk the tab.

Jascela smiles up at Ili as her drink arrives. "Thank you." She shrugs a bit to Nolee as well. "I'm not blushing either..." She sips at her drink as she watches the young barkeep move around the bar.

Caitlyn takes a modest sip from her 'F.I.K.,' licking lips and smiling as the sweet and tart tastes combine on her palate and send it into a happy spin. She tries not to grin at M'duk's cover-up drink - lifting her own glass up, toasting him from a distance.

Nolee's then looking toward Moyra with a soft sigh. "Jays, no one could help me with making sense out of those wherrybutted tithe records, and that heaps of other stuff you tried to tell me about, as good as you. Why'd you hafta go and start having fun?" For a moment, her laziness gets the better of her, then a slow connection fires and something makes sense. "Oooh. You found a somebody. I get it. That makes heaps of people less cranky." Then a smile to Caitlyn, fascinated. "You had to go all over? Did he lose something?"

M'duk comes back quickly. "But harsh and nasty makes a drink." He winks. Catching Cait's toast, he follows suit, raising his own mug slightly. "No blushes here." He's cooled himself down.

Caitlyn grins softly at Nolee, shaking her head at her friend. "Gus made Kint and me go over to lots of places to find clues leading to my Dawnsflame knot. It was really fun, and we all had a great time." A sudden, soft smile, and Cait seems to remenisce as she sips her thick, cold drink - her eyes lighting with some secret joy.

Ili hms a bit before she moves to sit down on one of the tables, giving her a bit of rest for a while. She sighs softly as leans back against the chair. "ah, this is nice."

Moyra looks around the bar, smiling to Ili in thanks for the drink, and then smiles to Nolee as she sets her glass down, and playfully, cradles her head in her hands as she turns to her, "oh, but all you have to do is say you need my help, and I'll be right over." She says, batting her eyes playfully as she responds to both the goldriders comments. But the comment from M'duk gives her a opening that she can't resist, and she rubs "accidently" agianst him as she moves to face the bar proper once more, sipping at her cider.

Nolee manages a smile for the resting barkeep and one for Moyra, too, before she shakes her head the brownrider's way, "I've got enough scrambled when it comes to having company, but I might have Nala ask for you if I get stuck on a stubborn hide," she sadly confesses before perking up as best she can as Caitlyn tells her tale. "He did? Jays, it must've been hard to remember where he left it. Maybe he just got confused, and you helped him recall."

Caitlyn glances up at Moyra as she speaks to Nolee, listening, smiling in silent approval at the talk of help. A hand slaps to her mouth, covering up the snicker as Moyra 'accidentally' rubs against M'duk - and her eyes gleam with bright humor as she returns them to Nolee. "Nah, he set it up that way. But, Cruor *did* flit out on him once while I was looking. Cruor was the one who had the clues in his message tube."

Jascela only makes it about halfway through her drink before she lets off a frustrated groan and shakes her head, looking off toward the beach. "Shardit... I've got to go already." She sighs as she rises to her feet.

"Take care, Jas! Keep scritching that blue!" Cait laughs over to the departing woman.

Ili looks up towards Jas and she waves at her. "Take care" She offers before she goes to get M'uk his change and then she comes back to the others. "You still doing okay?"

M'duk waves off to Jascela but is quickly interupted by Moyra's 'brushing'. His gaze immediately is locked onto Moyra with a confused grin, but he's definately not objecting. He's quiet, just sipping at his ale. His eyes glaze, and then he looks to Cait with a nod.

Nolee watches the interaction between Moyra and M'duk, fascinated. "M'duk set it up that way? Oh, no, you mean Cansoth's. That's clever, using a message tube! I'm sure Gob couldn't keep track of such a thing, even if he ate it." A wave to Jascela, and an apologetic smile. "Too bad they can't save it for you, Jas." Ili's question is met with a nod, from her at least.

Caitlyn grins up at M'duk, giving him a saucy wink - then giggling over at Moyra. She seems to be enjoying the subtle little play between them. Her grin moves back to Nolee, and she takes another careful, but hearty sip of her concoction. "I have message tubes for both my little guys, too. It's nice just in case... Oh, I remember I left Book with you a few sevendays ago, when we were chatting in the 'cavern. Was he a good boy?"

M'duk takes the change and seperates some of it. "Here, Ili. What are you drinking tonight? It's a party, you should be drinking too." He pushes some of the change back towards her. "It's on me."

Moyra ahs and nods to Nolee, "Well, you just let me know when you need me, I'll be happy to help out." She says, smiling to her as she looks over her shoulder to M'duk, finishing off her cider, and then turning to lean pver in froont of him to pick up a few snacks out of a bowl. "So how is everyone?" She asks, looking around once more.

Caitlyn almost spits back into her drink as her roving eyes catch Moyra's NOT so subtle trick on M'duk, this time - the woman coughing a little as she wipes her eyes - a huge grin plastered on her face.

"Well, I think something I want you all to try." Ili grins as she hurries back to the mixing table and she begins to concoct a rather extravagantly colored drink. "This.." She moves over towards the grouping and she places the cup in the middle with smaller empty cups around it. "I call it Blue and Green in Flight." She giggles. "Try it."

Nolee just blinks, startled at Moyra's ...outgoingness of a sudden, and she nearly misses Caitlyn's words. Turning away from the sight for a moment, she nods her head absently to Caitlyn. "I have a book of yours? What's it about? I must've forgotten to give it back." A wince. "I'm sorry...I usually try not to borrow things because I don't remember them very well. Was it important?" Then a concoction arrives, and she squints at it. "What's in it?"

M'duk's mouth almost drops as he mechanicly brings the ale to his mouth, spilling a little as he's distracted. He catches Caitlyn's cough and snaps out of it. He mouth's 'wow', and wipes off the few drops he spilt. Turning to Ili, "Blue and Green, huh?" He reaches over, taking the larger cup, pouring it into the smaller ones. He takes one himself, and looks back at Moyra.

Caitlyn sighs softly, her lips still twitching with humor, and leans over a little towards Nolee. "My blue firelizard. His name's Book. No matter, it's not important." A peer over to Ili, and she dares to take one of those small cups of the blue and green liquid - peering into it, and sniffing lightly. "What's in it?" she echos Nolee.

Moyra bats her eyes at M'duk as he offers her the glass, and she nods her head, "Thanks.." She says, winking to him as she turns to look at Cait and Nolee, thoughtfully looking at them, clearly plotting. After a moment, she smiles to Ili, "Heya, Moyra, nice to meet you." She says, remembering her manners at least finally.

Ili grins. "It's special. A couple of spirits." She says before she grins over at the gathering. "And look at you trying to show off, you." She tells Moyra, laughing playfully.

"Oh! Him. Yes, he was very sweet. I'd love to look after him any time. He coos and takes things very nice from my fingers." Nolee smiles to Caitlyn, trying to prove she's not lost her mind entirely. "He's much smarter than my blue." As Moyra makes introductions, she looks toward the brownriders, confused: does she know me? Should I know her? "A mix? Will it make my head ache later?"

It's a good thing Cait misses that plotting look, because she might not let Moyra out of her sight the rest of the evening. A curious peer at Ili, and Cait dares to take a wee sip of the stuff - rolling it gently around on her tongue as she smiles back over at Nolee.

M'duk subconsciously speaks up after Ili, "Show off all you want." His words are very soft, and most likely not all of them will hear it, but some will. He reaches for another glass, still seeming to not even know he said that. Suddenly, he realizes, and immediately shuts his mouth, looking to Ili. "Well, here is to my new favorite barkeep." He says, raising his cup, "And hopefully my new favorite drink?"

"It won't, if you don't drink too much." The young woman giggles before she turns to look at M'duk. "Show all she wants?" She asks, looking to Moyra. "That sounds like a challenge." She tsks.. "Such boldness.."

Caitlyn seems to take a certain liking to Ili's concoction, for she finishes off the wee cup before returning to her drink of choice - sipping in little spasms as she cackles at M'duk's husky words. "If I wasn't involved already, i'd join you just to make 'duk whimper somemore, Moyra." Oh my, Cait is naughty indeed.

Nolee shakes her head, rising from the table with a weary look that is tinged with some sorrow as she catches sight of the flirting just beyond. She smiles to the barkeep, and shakes her head. "I'm sorry; I just can't...please forgive me. Have a good evening, all." With a nod of her head, and an effort at a pleasant smile, she hastily heads out.

Caitlyn drops all pretext of humor at Nolee's words, and she watches the goldrider scurry off with a wince.

Dragon> Kintryth bespoke Nalaieth with << Mine is upset about yours being that way. Mine offers to have her visit us to talk, if she wants. >>

Moyra laughs a touch to Ili, and she grins as she hears the comment from the other brownrider, she smiles. "Such a nice guy." She notes, and then laughs softly as she hears the other comment, "No, I don't challange like that, I leave it to the goldriders to dance on the tables." She says, shaking her head softly. "First time I saw one, she was on that table." She points out, and then smiles to Caitlyn, and with a wink to M'duk, she stretches, much like Cait's when she arrived at the beach, long stretch with a few pops. "Keep that up, I might have to show off a lot more." And with that, she leans back over to M'duk, whispers in his ear, and joins Nolee, all serious as she normally is, "If you need help with the hides, I can show you a few tricks I used to keep them in order no matter how often you go through them." As she walks out with her.

M'duk is in the middle of his taste as Ili speaks. He coughs, ducking his head. "Yeah, umm." No words. As Cait replies, he looks up surprised. "You two are evil." A grin is added. "By the way, good drink. Just doesn't sting enough for me." As Moyra whispers and departs, he bites his lip. Realizing Nolee, he apologizes. "Goodnight you two."

Nalaieth> Kintryth senses that Nalaieth reaches out, fuzzy velvet against tunnelsnake skin, rough yet soothing. << Mine would speak to yours, though she does not know of it. Perhaps she is too distracted now, but soon. >>

tamina, ili, sandbar, caitlyn, m'duk, nolee, moyra, jascela

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