Nov 15, 2010 00:43
It's been a while, but I guess I should finally write about my birthday gift from my parents, which I got earlier than I think I ever have. In mid-October my desktop got infected with a trojan and the keyboard on my laptop malfunctioned. In the same week. Hello December 2009, so nice to see you again, not. Anyway, that weekend I took my desktop to my dad to get it fixed and my data recovered, thank goodness for external hard drives. I also got a new laptop. Originally, I was getting a laptop for graduation, but my concert trip changed that, so I got a laptop for my birthday. Went to best Best Buy and tested speakers and capability of use as an actual laptop. My dad's deceptive about that as his lap is wider. Also, I have the geek squad to help through the first few months. Need to figure out why text size changes in Firefox and Word. Without me doing anything, it's weird. Other than that, it's grand. So happy to have a real, new laptop with great speakers and 3 hours of battery power.
That same weekend we daytripped to New Orleans. Crazy, but fun, mostly, except for the whole Saints losing thing. Their fans wear some crazy shit, also saw a bride and groom in wedding regalia. And this commentary on crazy clothes in New Orleans comes after having been to an Adam Lambert concert there. Speaking of which, the Saintsations danced to If I Had You between the third and fourth quarters. I heard the music before I saw the dancers, but Sara didn't even realize what song it was until she heard me singing. However, the game was a blur of Saints mistakes and Browns scoring, the Saints secondary was sucking on Browns setup plays though no remarkable scores, just how many. This was for their maybe 100 fans in attendance. Sara stopped counting at fifty something. Driving back after a loss was bad, but it was saved by lunch with Patrick and stopping by the house to see Greer's Halloween decorations, bloody handprints on the door below the cutesy wreath, many gravestones, and a blowup haunted castle. Lots of works, but very cool.