Mar 06, 2007 22:10
ok, so crazy shit happens(hell, year or so ago at this point)... friendships you thought were tight explode through no action of yours(tight enough to get a tattoo over, no names but still)... You think hell , ok I'm done with that, its all cool.. then one person starts talking to you again... sounds ok right... its all still fucked up. I'm just an asshole for thinking they wanted to be my friend again. I don't know why they started talking to me again but its still all fucked up now so I'm going to leave that alone.
ok, on to other things... like panic attacks and stress at work. They've been getting worse lately... I was always afraid shit like this would come back and cause issues. It doesn't make any sense but then again, I wouldn't be fucked up if it did. wish i was normal... for once and well adjusted and had social skills
I want to go to bed but the sheets and blankets are in the dryer because I managed to have so much fun playing with the little one that he yaked jello on the bed.. yay... maybe it will be dry in another hour (king size blankets)
I don't even want to knit...