Sep 23, 2006 22:07
It's been a long time... and no one really reads this anyway (that doesn't already hear me bitch in real life ) so it really doesn't matter ...
Just thought I would write.
I love being female for so many reasons... I'm a mom and that is an amazing thing.... Multiple orgasms yet another wonderful thing. There are plenty of others too but one that that I don't care for at all is how much hormones impact my daily life. I'm just fine and then all of a sudden I get super sensitive and depressed and even more withdrawn than usual. It really wreaks havoc with my life and there is absolutely nothing I can do except try to realize what is happening before it does (easier said than done). I never really had to deal with 'PMS' or hormonal times for some reason. It sucks ass I'll tell you that. I thank god all the time I have a wonderful husband, although I know he tires of the flip flopping.
Random note... Rollerderby is cool and if you have a league near you you should support them =) There's a nashville league that is still in the starting stages... I've been involved but I am bowing out for now.. too much going on at home / work / vacation etc. I can't commit the time they deserve... but I will attend fund raisers etc.. These girls work their asses off... go support 'em ..
When did I become a corporate type person... it happened a while ago I know but it must have happened slowly... but they're smart bastards. I'm super brainwashed right now... I realize it but for some reason I still slip right back into it. I need to break it somehow... a million dollar idea, create a deprogramming boot camp for former corporate employees they'll thank you for it.
I miss the old days. When I was a person, when I was myself instead of what I think I should be. When I knew what being myself was. When it didn't matter if I was considered a geek or slacker or something like that. I don't even know who I am anymore... I am a representative of corporation x, I am mother of y and z and wife of j. (now don't take this the wrong way, I'm just venting)I want to have opinions.. I want to voice them without fear of being laughed at as an idiot (ok the fear can be there but shouldn't be so much to stop me from forming any opinion at all) I don't even have to have a strong personality .. just one.. that doesn't always blend in with the beige wall so much I'm invisible.
I miss a lot of things...
I'm happier now in a lot of ways...
I'm richer now in many ways...
I feel so teenie bopper right now it's not funny=)
love you all for taking the time to listen to me ramble... =) =) =) You know who you are.