(no subject)

Apr 21, 2006 09:52

I wrote this very very silly drabble last night while dying of boredom at work, and thought I'd share it.

Accidents Happen

"It was an accident!" Ginny wailed, staring at the corpse at her feet. "Honestly, I didn't mean to do anything!"

Narcissa's mouth still formed the 'O' of horror, Lucius could hardly believe what he had just seen. "Did you even see what happened?" he asked his wife surreptitiously, boggling at the turn of events that had laid to waste decades of his careful plans.

"How did you make her trip over her own mask?" Draco asked. "That was the most impressive part."

"Impressive?" snapped Narcissa. "My sister is dead and all you can think is that the way she went was bloody impressive?"

"I have to agree with the boy, darling," her husband interjected. "I've never seen such a well-contrived accident."

"It wasn't contrived, it really was an accident," Ginny said, still aghast at the tangled limbs of Bellatrix Lestrange as they lay in their final resting place. "She was yelling at me, and I yelled at her, then her mask slid off while she was chasing me, it caught her foot and she toppled down the stairs. Nothing malicious, it was a true accident."

"The Aurors will never believe it," Draco said.

"Though it is a good story," Lucius amended with the tone of one knowledgeable in such explanatory stories.

Ginny stared at the body some more, then finally realized that no one would believe she hadn't had a hand in Bellatrix's unfortunate accident.

"Are we at least going to arrange for a disappearance?" she asked. "You know, to let people think she got away, is living somewhere else under an assumed name, rather than the victim of a silly accident in her own home?"

The three Malfoys looked at their recently deceased relative, then at the girl who had only recently moved into their home, and decided that perhaps the Weasley wasn't so different from them, after all.

"Someone look up the spell for transfiguring flesh into china," Narcissa said. "I think she'd be a lovely saucer."

hp: lucius malfoy, fic, hp: ginny weasley, hp: narcissa malfoy, hp: draco malfoy, humor, hp: bellatrix lestrange

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