So I have been extraordinarily lazy lately. The weather itself has been conspiring with me for a change, and I've had four snow days in the last two weeks. (Okay, so two of them were flood days and yesterday an ice day and we've only had one actual day of snow, but I made the most of it.) Yesterday I literally did nothing but rewatch Justified season two, wash a sink of dishes, and catch up on my dvr. It was pretty fantastic, not going to lie.
So, I present a list of things which are making me happy:
- Frank Iero's website. He created his own meme people. Frank Iero. On the internet. Creating memes. This is the future we're living in.
- American Horror Story: Asylum finally being over so I don't torture myself with watching it every week and remembering how amazing season one is. All I had to say about the whole season was what the crap.
This song. I've been in kind of an alt-country kind of place lately. (See: Justified rewatch) and this song is just my jam right now.
- Parks and Recreation. Babe Lincoln you guys.
- Justified! To everyone on my flist not currently watching this show: you are making a terrible life choice and you should fix it immediately. Season two is about as flawless as tv can get, and the characters and the use of language are so, so stunning.
I really love how this season is finally dealing with Boyd's issues with his own faith. Having him preach to Billy's congregation is brilliant every time, and so, so revealing about how Boyd views himself and his past. I mean, the line, "You know what, son? I once stood where you are standing now, mistaking my own hubris for God’s touch. That ain’t religion, son, that’s called self-glorification."
I also loved how you could see that Boyd honestly thought Billy would back down once he got Cassie to tell the truth about milking the rattlers, and his expression when Billy took up the snake -- clearly hoping that he wouldn't get bitten -- and how it fell when Billy did get bit? Amazing.
I also love any episode that lets Raylan and Tim go out and do their job together, and for Raylan and Rachel to get to be bros, and this episode let BOTH happen. And I think Johnny has a lot to worry about, trying to cross Boyd. Boyd really doesn't need his cousin turning on him, and that's all going to clearly come to a head soon.