I've thrown my hat in at the
feedback meme, if anyone has anything to say. :)
I realized recently I haven't been updating or commenting nearly as much as I'd like.
So last night's Superbowl was pretty awesome. We had a huge spread of Superbowl food - hot wings (guh, best hot wings ever), pigs in a blanket, chili chips and cheese, chips and salsa, cocktail weinies - and sprawled on the couches and watched the game. It was just my mom, my sister and me, but we had a blast. Yay Giants!
I've been writing a little bit, and trying to get back into the swing of it. I have a file of half-finished request ficlets from aaaaages ago, but am currently working on something just for me. It's flowing better than if I try to force the other bunnies to come out and play, so it's what I'm going with. (Just in case any of you who made the requests remember and are wondering where those ficlets are.)