Title: The Absence of Silence
Characters: Lucius/Bellatrix
Rating: R
Word count: 222
Originally posted:
rainpuddle13 They were the only ones left.
The Muggles, limp and bloody and broken against the wall, weren’t making noise any longer, so Lucius, still panting from the torture, shoves Bellatrix against the wall (the still-breathing Muggle shuddered) intent on filling the room with gorgeous, guttural sounds again.
Her skin is bare under the bloody black robes, sticky against her flesh in places.
He can only see part of her eyes through her mask, but he thinks she’s grinning as she wraps one leg around his waist, pushing into his hand as she lets out a moan.
He doesn’t taste Bellatrix, because he’s afraid she’ll taste like Narcissa.
He pinches and twists. Her grunts, gasps and groans as she presses harder into his touch fill the room, echoing the same way the Muggle’s cries had minutes before, gloriously. Her fingernails scrape against his shoulders and tangle in his hair as her cry intensifies.
He can barely think. This is what he wanted.
Her voice is muffled behind her mask (beneath their master’s will) as she urges him on, grasping him and jerking him towards her even closer. His left knee hit the shoulder of the Muggle, slumped and probably dead, and he shifts til he’s against the wall again instead.
Their masks bump each other, and he thinks, wildly, that it’s a kiss.
Title: Ink-Stained Eternity
Characters: Tom/Ginny
Word count: 150
Rating: PG
Originally posted:
tangleofthorns Sometimes Ginny thinks that part of her soul is still soaked into the pages of that destroyed diary, forever entwined with Tom’s.
He might grab hold of her one day from those shredded remnants of who she once was, she worries, all shrouded eyes and grasping fingers reaching out from torn pages.
The worst times are when she thinks that maybe it wouldn’t be such a terrible thing. When the idea of an ink-stained eternity seems like heaven, like comfort, like home.
When everyday life and family and friends seem like faded, tired photographs, cracked and barely moving. When her dreams are sharp and vivid, with Tom whispering things she never wanted to hear and desperately wishes were true into her ear, fingers trailing up her spine like a shiver.
When she wakes up, breathless and aching to go back to those dreams.
She thinks she’ll never be whole again.
Title: Falling
Characters: Ginny/Tom/Luna
Word count: 369
Rating: PG-13
Originally posted:
sublimeclarity Luna was acting stranger than usual.
Ginny had been watching her carefully. She would hurry through the halls, clutching her books to her chest as though they might fly away. She disappeared for hours on end, appearing with her hair disheveled and lines pressed into her cheek and ink blots on her shirt.
She would sometimes walk right past Ginny as though she didn’t recognize her, expression strangely focused.
Sometimes she’d look at Ginny with eyes burning with... something. Caustic and as un-like Luna Lovegood as anything Ginny had ever seen.
It frightened her and intrigued her and reminded her unerringly of first year.
And then... then Luna approached her, eyes shrouded and a cruel smirk on her lips. Ginny backed against the dungeon wall, looking around and seeing no one.
“Child,” Luna said, only her voice was pitched low and threatening. There was nothing dreamy or childlike about her now, and Ginny thought she recognized her (his) voice from nightmares.
“I-I have to go,” she said, trying to edge to one side.
Luna shook her head and blocked Ginny with one arm.
“You’ve grown,” s(he) said.
“Luna,” Ginny said, reaching up and putting a hand on a smooth white cheek. “Luna, you have to be in there.”
Luna’s head turned and her tongue flicked across Ginny’s fingers. “Oh, she’s in here, just as naive as you were, Ginny.”
Her name had never sounded as childish as it did with his derision dripping from it.
“What do you want?” Ginny wanted to run or throw a curse or do something, but instead she just pressed her back harder against the wall. The stone ridges biting into her spine promised that this wasn’t another nightmare.
She wasn’t eleven anymore, but she was still powerless.
“What everyone wants.” A half-step forward and the hand against the wall dropped to Ginny’s shoulder, trailed up and down her arm.
Ginny tried to repress the shudder.
“I want knowledge.”
Another step forward, and Luna’s shoulders squared back causing their breasts to brush together. Ginny bit back a whimper.
“Simple, human contact.”
The gentlest of kisses.
And Ginny was falling, falling, falling.
There was no escape. There never had been.