Title: Legacy
Characters: Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy, infant Draco
Word count: 100
Rating: G
AN: For
dragonsangel68 Moments after Lucius had changed paths down the hall to avoid wearing the carpet thin for the fourth time, the Medi-witch appeared and motioned for him.
“Is it... I mean, are they...?”
“They’re both well.”
Before he could register the words, he was thrust into the room.
Narcissa looked tired, hair in tangled wisps around her face, and Lucius thought she had never looked more beautiful. In her arms was their child, tiny and fragile.
Lucius sat down beside her, and wordlessly accepted the infant.
“Our son is beautiful,” Narcissa said, allowing a tiny fist to grasp her finger.
Lucius nodded.
Title: Phenomenal
Characters: Green Arrow/Catwoman
Word count: 250
Rating: PG-13
AN: For
rainpuddle13 Ollie had nearly given up on his sweep of Star City for a distraction when he notices someone standing on a rooftop in the jewelry district.
He has an arrow notched and ready by the time he recognizes the phenomenal figure of the feline fiend, working on a security grid.
“Catwoman,” he says.
She calmly stops and slowly pivots, as though she’s known he was there the whole time. “You’ve caught me,” she purrs.
She strolls towards him, rolling her hips in a way he think might actually be a superpower. Something involving hypnotism, he thinks.
She trails a finger along the arm holding the arrow back, and flicks her tongue at the tip of the arrow itself while he wonders what the hell he’s supposed to do in this situation. It wasn’t like she’d actually made it inside the building... And he wasn’t really morally obligated to do anything more...
“I’ll go think about what I did wrong,” she says, circling him predatorily, running her hand along his shoulders, his arms as she comes back around to face him.
“Is this how you convince Bats to let you go? Because I’ve got to say, I always suspected it wouldn’t take much to make him blow a gasket. He’s wound awful tight...”
“You,” Catwoman hisses, jabbing him in the chest with a sharp claw. “Shut up.”
His bow and arrow clatter to the rooftop as her hand slid down lower.
“Sure thing,” Ollie agrees amicably as she loosened his quiver.