Happy New Year!
2006 was a good year for me, fandom-wise. I wrote some stories I'm still quite proud of in the early months of the year.
Then I hit a saturation point, I think, and took a hiatus for the summer. I didn't write fic, I scarcely read it. Instead I fell in love with new things- books and movies and shows and, yes, comics.
I realized I never really chronicled how I got to really like comics. Now's a good a time as any. A year ago, I'd just finished a semester of a seminar called Superheroes as Modern Mythology. For it I read The Watchmen and The Dark Knight Returns, which I adored. I also read Golden Age Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman, as well as collections of X-Men and Spiderman, which appealed to my sense of whimsy. (There was also Ghost in the Shell and Domu, among other things, which didn't charm me nearly as much. I had Issues with the structurally-unsound attire of the women.)
rainpuddle13 introduced me to Sandman, knowing perfectly well that I was going to fall madly in love with it. I slowly worked my way through that entire series, utterly enchanted with what I was reading. I got better at reading sequential art- at first I wasn't the best, accustomed as I was to regular novels. DKR and Christian Bale reminded me of my childhood adoration of Batman, both the cartoon and the movies. I began to find scans on the internet, and lurked about reading fic, figuring out what passed as canon in the comics version. My foot was already in the door when I discovered Stephanie Brown, who skyrocketed into adoration for several reasons, the least of which being that at one point in my life, I was a little blonde girl named Stephanie who imagined herself a hero. It was a downward spiral from there, with me discovering new ways to read comics and devouring as much canon as possible.
Then I needed to write again. I'm always a happier person when I write, which explains why I produce fic so very often. :) I went back to HP fic first, which as it turns out is still gratifying to write and explore. (I was a bit relieved, because I was afraid I'd completely burned out.) Then, for the first time in a good long while (I've been at this HP thing for a while now) I began to dip my toes into writing in a new fandom. I'm still new and awkward there, but I'm extremely happy where I am with fandom right now. I feel more refreshed with the HP fic I write, more adventurous (see the multiple crossovers and new characters and fandoms written lately), and there's something very right about writing fic in the Batverse. I don't see myself stopping anytime soon.
I ended the year feeling more productive, ficwise, than I have in a while. And I'm feeling good about 2007- I'm already working on something new.
I was going to post a list of the fics I wrote in '06, but quickly realized that there were way too many to make any sort of manageable list. So instead I'll just link to
my Complete List of Fics, which has dates listed on it. I don't really do resolutions, but one thing I'm going to work on in the future is my embarrassing tendency to lurk. I'm truly terrible at commenting, which I hate because I adore getting comments myself. So, Darling Flist, just for the record, even if I don't comment on your journal often, I do read it, and I'm going to try to comment more often.And don't shy from prodding me if you've written a story you think I'd enjoy. (And don't shy from IMing me, either, for that matter. I adore chatting.)
And... that's all I have to say in this Post of Epic Proportions. (By my standards, anyway.) Later I'll post my Yuletide story.